Social and Psychological Factors of Civic Identity Formation of an Individual




civic identity, factors of formation, prosociality, subjectivity, social integration.



 The aim of the article is the empirical substantiation of socio-psychological factors of the formation of civic identity of the personality.

The following research methods were used: survey, questionnaires for determining the level and the type of civic identity, the value orientations of the personality, the level of social frustration, social activity. The methods of mathematical-statistical analysis like one-way analysis of variance, multivariate analysis, discriminant analysis, regression analysis were applied. The empirical study involved 350 citizens of Ukraine in the age of 30-50, 119 (34%) of whom were men, 231 (66%) – women.

The results of the research. It was found out that the main socio-psychological factors of civic identity formation at its different stages were: basic interpersonal needs (inclusion, affect, trust in relationships), basic beliefs (benevolence of the world, justice of the world, self-value), collectivist values of the family, civic attitudes and behavioral patterns of reference persons, orientation on sociocentric values, social integration, subjectivity of the personality, prosocial orientation and satisfaction of the needs of the person’s physical and social existence in the state.

Conclusions. The formation of civic identity of personality is significantly influenced by: the subjective experience of the ability for a citizen to satisfy his / her vital needs in the state, to protect his/her interests, rights and freedom from various illegal encroachments and threats of any kind, as well as feelings, that the state is able to provide all conditions for self-realization and well-being of the person; readiness of the person to unite and to cooperate with other compatriots in order to improve the well-being of the state and its citizens, a desire to help and support others; the ability to be active, initiative, responsible, as well as conscious attitude towards the world; value orientations of the personality, which lead to interaction with the world in a prosocial way; social integration, which contributes to the formation of a sense of «We», the sense of unity and solidarity with fellow citizens; values of the family, based on strong social ties and collective performance of social duties, what causes the development of social cohesion; civic attitudes and behavioral patterns of reference of persons, on which the establishment of one or another level of respect for the state, state language and state symbols is based, the formation of basic elements (positive or negative) of awareness and acceptance / rejection of state and public values, tendency to take active or passive / indifferent civic position; the way which is based on interpersonal needs being satisfied in the childhood, which affected the formation of one or another type of a citizen; basic beliefs, which affect the formation of civic beliefs, the assessment of the person’s «social value», and the importance of the man as a member of the society, as they are the basis for the implementation of acts of value choices.

Author Biography

Інга Петровська, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv

Ph.D. in Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychology


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How to Cite

Петровська, І. (2020). Social and Psychological Factors of Civic Identity Formation of an Individual. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (49), 269–295.