Triadic Family Interactions in the Context of Bodily-Self Development




triadic interaction, dyadic interaction, fatherhood, family system, bodily-self development.



 concerning family’s structure with triadic and dyadic interactions in the context of bodily-self development. The father’s role is determined in psychological development of a child. The list of psychological indexes of child’s development influenced by father’s presence or deprivation of him is given. The descriptions of a family functioning since time of a child appearance are given. Optimal operating of family conditions is determined for healthy development of a child and bodily-self development.

The aim of the article is systematization of the theoretical and applied principles in relation to understanding of psychological sense of triad in the context of bodily-self development. The main method of the research was the theoretical analysis of scientific literature, that gave an opportunity to find out the role of the triad of «father – mother – child» at bodily-self development of a child.

The results of the research gave an opportunity to define the equal role in rights of father in relation to a mother at the education of a child. The psychological features of a child’s development were also defined, that needed a father. Optimal conditions of triadic functioning in family are found out for the sake of bodily-self development.

Conclusions. The triad means the system of «father – mother – child», functioning according to the laws of the theory of family systems. A child’s bodily-self development is laid in childhood at the perinatal stage of development in the context of forming the dyad of «mother – child» relation. The birth of a child brings family over to the next stress period, the successful overcoming of that must create the triadic mutual relations with the new roles of father and mother, married couple does not lose an intimate contact with each other as a man and woman. At all stages of a family functioning, including the period of pregnancy and in future the role of a father for harmonious child’s development and bodily-self is important and irreplaceable. The dyad of «mother – child» is equivalent to the «father – child» dyad, in case of granting the possibility of paternal attaching to the process of care and education of a child.

Author Biography

Дар’я Туркова, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv

Ph.D in Psychology, Doctoral Student of Practical Psychology Department


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How to Cite

Туркова, Д. (2020). Triadic Family Interactions in the Context of Bodily-Self Development. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (49), 342–362.