Peculiarities of the Socio-Demographic «Portrait» of the People Searching for a Marriage Partner Online




Internet communication, linguistic self-presentation of a personality, analysis of personal data, online dating, partner search.



 The aim of the article is to find out the peculiarities of the socio-demographic «portrait» of the people who are searching for a marriage partner online.

Research methods and techniques are the methodological tools of the research which included the analysis and generalization of works devoted to the study of the virtual discourse of the people searching for a marriage partner online; content analysis of personal data in the context of identifying the peculiarities of language self-presentation of the users searching for a marriage partner online. Data collection for the empirical study was carried out on the site

The sample of the research consisted of 120 Internet pages on the dating site (50 female and 70 male profiles). All obtained empirical data were analyzed separately for the sample of men and the sample of women. The significance of the difference was calculated using Fisher’s φ-test.

The results of the research made it possible to determine the peculiarities of the socio-demographic «portrait» of the people who are searching for a marriage partner online.

Conclusions. The identified gender characteristics in the answers to the questionnaires of a dating site reflect the real socio-demographic trends in Ukrainian society.

It was found that for most men, the situation of online dating is a continuation of a real life situation, expanding its capabilities. Women mostly turn to a dating site as an alternative (compensation) to a real life situation. Adolescents and young people use the site as a «training» platform, learning to flirt and trying different tactics of behavior towards people of the opposite sex.

It is investigated that when creating the self-presentation on a dating site, the author is limited by the framework of the template (questionnaire) that regulates communicative behavior, but he is given relative autonomy to create his own image. The users of a site usually avoid answering questions related to their social status, education and financial status. However, in the case of a serious attitude to acquaintance, this information is necessary, because it relates to the similarity of a social base of future partners.

Author Biography

Віталія Шебанова, Kherson State University, Kherson

Dr. in Рsychology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Practical Psychology


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How to Cite

Шебанова, В. (2020). Peculiarities of the Socio-Demographic «Portrait» of the People Searching for a Marriage Partner Online. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (49), 386–406.