The Psychological Resources of «Self-Attainment» of Personality in Transcendent Situations of Being




psychological resources of self-attainment of personality, transcendent situations of being, hardiness, personality fulfillment, system reflection.



 The aim of the article is defined to be the empirical description of the psychological resources of the personality in the transcendent situations of being.

Methods. The psychological survey was used alongside with a personality resourceful questionnaire, a psychological resource questionnaire, a test questionnaire for diagnosing indicators of existential resources, a questionnaire for virtues and character strengths, a questionnaire for coping with a crisis, a psychological well-being questionnaire, a coherence scale, methods for determining tolerance to uncertainty, and estimation methods and predicting the development of situations of interpersonal interaction. The methods of mathematical statistical analysis such as one-way analysis of variance, multivariate analysis, cluster analysis, classification analysis, and correlation analysis are applied. To implement the research tasks, the Bayer’s model was applied, which implies the transformation of the problem into the form possible for its resolution. Empirical modeling and verification methods are implemented.

The results of the research. Based on the data of discriminant and multivariate analysis, the structure of the psychological resources of the personality in transcendent situations of being is determined, which contains, in fact, psychological resources and indicators of the ability to operate them (love, responsibility, knowledge of one’s resources, the ability to update and invest one’s resources), existential resources (mercy, faith), «strength of character» included in the virtue of self-control (prudence, self-control). The existential resource of faith is established to be a conditional indicator for determining the type of actualization of psychological resources of a personality in the transcendent situations of being. The system-forming factor of the resource system of the transcendent situations of being empirically substantiates system reflection. Psychological resources of personality’s self-attainment are characterized as the structure of interconnected psychological, existential and relationship resources and «strength of character» that make it possible to bring the possible Self of a personality to the true Self, and cause the person to overcome the fear of true Self.

Conclusions. The closeness of the possible Self of a personality to its true Self is realized, when a person overcomes anxiety by solving a certain vital task. The resources of psychological survival, tolerance to uncertainty, personal resources, motivational resources of psychological well-being, a sense of connectedness were not included in the final model of psychological resources of self-attainment-again of a personality, since in transcendent situations of being it is impossible for a person to compare psychological losses and gains, because of rethinking of personal life. Based on the results of an empirical study, it is possible to refine or develop the psychological support of a personality in difficult life situations.

Author Biography

Олена Штепа, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Штепа, О. (2020). The Psychological Resources of «Self-Attainment» of Personality in Transcendent Situations of Being. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (49), 407–428.