Psychological Principles of Organization of the Deductive Process at the English Lessons at Secondary Schools




deductive process, didactic actions, a cognitive sphere of the person, cognitive motivation, a communication, creation of problem situations, forms and methods of active learning.


The aim of our article is: to characterize a phase character of the educational activity at secondary schools, to describe a cognitive sphere of the person, which has a fundamental load in terms of constructing a model of the world, modeling the stages of logical memorization, to distinguish some routes of cognitive process according to psychological principles of providing deductive techniques, to propose psychological principles, which are the basis of providing deductive models at the English lessons at secondary schools.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

The results of the research. Educational activity has a phase character. The first phase is characterized by awareness of the situation, the general conscious­ness increases to perform a long period of mental activity. In the measures of the second phase there is a process of unstable adaptation – the system of motives, needs and interests in close interaction with volitional activity having been created the preconditions for further adaptation to the whole process of educational activity. The third phase is a period of stable adaptation, when the goal is fully realized and conditions for its realization appear, the entire system of levels of the activity comes in line with the main goal of learning.

It was shown that emphatic types of memory are motion, emotional, ver­bal-logical, sensory (visual, auditory, olfactory), figurative, mechanical, logical, long-term, short-term, involuntary, non-voluntary, etc. All of them, one this way or another one, are involved into the process of perception and processing the information. Sometimes the classification is used by different types of the analyzers: visual, auditory, motion, mixed, etc. It should be fixed in mind that the efficiency of logical memory is twenty times higher, better than mechanical one. In the article it was proposed the authors’ own vision of the stages of logical memorization.

Conclusions. Cognitive motivation is recommended by us to be formed on the basis of the following psychological principles, which are the basis of pro­viding deductive models at the English lessons at secondary schools: with the help of specially organized didactic actions; by creation of problem situations; by introduction of special forms and methods of active learning, in which the prin­ciple of problem education is realized; by development of cognitive motivation in communication between a teacher and pupils, as well as schoolchildren with each other; by revitalization of teacher’s pedagogical skills, his / her ability to organize correctly the activities of pupils.

Author Biographies

Едуард Івашкевич, Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne

Dr. in Psychology, Professor

Ірина Коваль, Khmelnytskyi National University, Khmelnytskyi

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Івашкевич, Е., & Коваль, І. (2020). Psychological Principles of Organization of the Deductive Process at the English Lessons at Secondary Schools. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (50), 31–52.