Systemic Nature of Human Psyche and Psychology of Education




systemic nature of psyche, self-determination, life, personality, mental functions, psyche, psychology of training, principles of construction of EGM methods, experimental-genetic method (EGM), mental processes, genetic-modeling method (GMM), need («nuzhda») (source and driving force of personality)


The aim of the article is to study the paradigm of systemic nature of human psyche in psychology.

Methods of the research. The following research methods were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: observation, systematization, analysis, modeling, genetic modeling method.

The results of the research. The article presents the results of a systemic study of the human psyche. Genetic methods and mechanisms of personality design are considered. The methodological component is determined, according to which the personality is a form of existence of the human psyche. It is the integrity to self-development, self-determination, conscious subject activity and self-regulation and has its own unique inner world. The genetically ascending contradictory unit of personality that is constantly evolving and forming is a need (the author’s term «nuzhda» by S. D. Maksymenko). It acts as an information and energy property of a human, which consists in the expansion of life in ontogenesis and phylogeny. The principles of construction of EGM (experimental-genetic method) and Genetic-modeling methods (GMM) are substantiated. It is proved that these methods are the most adequate in psychology (along with longitudinal), which make it possible to study both higher mental functions and personal qualities.

Conclusions. On the basis of theoretical and methodological analysis and experimental-empirical materials the idea of scientific and applied productivity of genetic methods (EGM, GMM), research of a paradigm of system of systemic nature in science is confirmed. It is proved that these methods are the area of psychological knowledge that can predict the development of the systemic psyche of the personality. The author’s concept of «need» («nuzhda») is singled out, its nature and attributive semantic features of this concept are characterized.

Genetic and psychological analysis of theories of personality, and the most importantly the dynamic unity of biological and social as a contradictory unit of personality, fixed in need («nuzhda»), allows us to talk about the development of real theoretical foundations of the genetic model of existence and psychological growth of personality.

Author Biographies

Сергій Максименко, Director of G. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Dr. in Psychology, Professor, Academician

Ксенія Максименко, National Academy of the Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kyiv

Dr. in Psychology, Professor

Юрій Ірхін, Head of the Department of Psychology Researches, Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Kyiv

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Максименко, С., Максименко, К., & Ірхін, Ю. (2020). Systemic Nature of Human Psyche and Psychology of Education. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (50), 146–166.