The Features of Psychological Defenses of Women with Different States of Family Functioning and Family Interaction
psychological defenses, crisis families, divorced women, normative families, personality traits, psychological and emotional states, psychophysiological states, behavioral patterns.Abstract
The aim of the article is to determine the features of psychological defenses of women with different states of family functioning and family interaction and their interrelation with personal characteristics, psychological and emotional states and indicators of family crisis.
The following methods of research were used: theoretical (study, systematic analysis and generalization of socio-psychological, medical and psychological literature on the research topic); psychodiagnostic (observation, conversation, survey, testing); statistical (quantitative and qualitative analysis of experimental data).
The results of the research. The analysis of the results of the study revealed the features of psychological defenses of women and men from crisis families, divorced women and women from normative families. A comparative analysis of psychological defenses of women and men was made, an analysis of the interrelation between psychological defenses and psychological and emotional states, factors of family crisis and personal qualities of women with different states of family functioning and family interaction and men from crisis families.
Conclusion. An analysis of the stress of psychological defenses found that all the groups had problems with psychological defense of substitution and denial. In addition, the following stresses of psychological defenses were identified by groups: women in crisis – rationalization, regression; men and divorced – rationalization.
Comparative analysis of the frequency of use and expression of mechanisms of psychological protection showed a significant difference among women and men from crisis families by the following indicators: displacement, regression, compensation, intellectualization, hypercompensation; among women from crisis families and divorced by indicators: denial, regression, compensation, projection, substitution, intellectualization; among women from crisis and normative families by projection indicator; women from normative families and divorced have a significant difference by indicator of denial.
Positive and negative interrelations of psychological defenses with indicators of psychological and emotional states, factors of family crisis and personal qualities of women with different states of family functioning and family interaction and men from crisis families were found. The highest number of interrelation was found in the group of divorced women and women from crisis families.
Thus, the analysis of the research results allowed to determine some factors and criteria for forecasting the development of a family crisis (personal growth and destructive response of the individual) and the growth of self-realization of a woman’s personality in a family crisis.References
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