Psychological Principles of the Attributes of Facilitative Interaction




facilitation, facilitative interaction, facilitative teaching, the activity, the subject of the activity, the functions of the subject, the purpose of the activity, ways of performing the activity.


The purpose of this article is to define the attributes of facilitation, to propose the functions of facilitation, to provide the process of facilitative teaching at secondary schools which is based on the heuristic conversation, to identify additional principles that are specific for the system of secondary education.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

The results of the research. There were distinguished the attributes of facilitation: 1) the activity; 2) the subject of the activity; 3) functions of the subject; 4) functions of the activity; 5) motives of the activity; 6) the purpose of the activi ty; 7) ways of performing the activity; 8) the subject of the activity; 9) methods of realization of the activity; 10) means which are relevant to the implementation of the activity; 11) the result of the activity. Also we proposed the functions of facilitation: the function of stimulation; the function of actualization; the function of forming the sovereignty of the pupils’ person; providing of control for educational process; the function of interaction; the function of creative educational environment.

Conclusions. The process of facilitative teaching at secondary schools is based on general psychological principles (scientific ones, which provide the connection of learning with life, proposed differentiated approaches for pupils). However, we can identify additional principles that are specific for the system of secondary education: the principle of actualizing social and personal needs in the process of secondary education; the principle of the relationships between learning and self-education during the organization of the educational process and in the period of pupils’ holidays; the principle of interconnection of studying with future professional activity (based on the content and nature of the functional responsibilities of teachers); the principle of interrelation of education with personally and professionally significant experience of the teacher, awareness of the acquired experience as personally significant one; the principle of interdisciplinary approach to the construction of the content of the educational process (actualizing facilitative potential of different disciplines, their impact on the study of this or that subject); the principle of establishing the relationships between the educational process and continuous of self-education; the principle of updating the subject-subject learning of pupils, providing the creative search for solutions of management problems, independent development of pupils’ projects, presentations with the aim of improving their own learning activities.

Author Biography

Наталія Хупавцева, Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Хупавцева, Н. (2020). Psychological Principles of the Attributes of Facilitative Interaction. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (50), 267–288.