The Psychological Resources of Personality-Based Confidentiality: Possibilities of Personality Trust in Oneself and Others
psychological resources, personality confidentiality, «recovery resources», a person’s trust in himself, a person’s trust in others.Abstract
The aim of the article is to define personality-based confidentiality resources in an empirical way.
The following methods were used: a psychological survey with the use of personality resourceful questionnaire, a psychological resource questionnaire, a test questionnaire for diagnosing indicators of existential resources, a questionnaire for virtues and character strengths, a questionnaire for coping with a crisis, a psychological well-being questionnaire, a coherence scale, methods for determining tolerance to uncertainty, and estimation methods and predicting the development of situations of interpersonal interaction, questionnaire of reflexivity, methods of trust / distrust of a person to the world, others, himself. Methods of mathematical statistical analysis such as Tests of Normality, multivariate analysis, cluster analysis of k-medium method, classification analysis, comparative analysis, discriminant analysis are applied. The empirical study was implemented according to the Nelson’s model, since conditions were set for determining the resources of personal confidentiality, namely: the level of human confidence in himself, the level of human confidence in others, the level of system reflection, and the certainty of resource content.
The results of the research. It is proved that a person’s search for shortcomings in himself and others is a criterion of his readiness to mistrust both himself and others. The predictors of the embodiment of confidentiality in relation to a person towards himself and others are the psychological resources of working on oneself, responsibility, helping others, realized through resources as «character forces» – openness to new experience, leadership, and ability to forgive, kindness. According to the results of the empirical study, it is leadership as the ability to inspire and organize oneself and others, which is the main factor and predictor of a person’s trust in oneself and other people.
Conclusions. The main resources for the embodiment of confidentiality are reflexive resources, which include psychological resources and resources as «character forces». The results of the study give reasons to consider the psychological resources of working on oneself as «recovery resources», (shared) responsibility, kindness to others and helping them who interpret, and, accordingly, make it possible to conceptualize subjective activity, that is, to realize personal self-understanding; as well as «strength of character» as an openness to new experience, leadership, the ability to forgive, kindness, giving the opportunity to argue the understanding.
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