Motivational and Semantic Profiles in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus




patients with diabetes mellitus, motivational-semantic profiles, cluster analysis, clusters, motives, meanings, meaningful life orientations


The introduction shows the relevance of the problem of studying the features of the motivational and semantic sphere of patients with diabetes mellitus; this area plays a leading role in the formation of both «healthy» and «painful» patients’ attitudes.

The aim of the article is to establish, analyze and describe the motivational and semantic profiles of patients with diabetes mellitus.

In our research the following methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of the provisions contained in the psychological and medical literature on the research topic; psychodiagnostic methods, such as test «Meaningful life orientations» (Leontiev, 2000), the test «Diagnosis of the motivational structure of personality» (Milman, 1990). Methods of mathematical statistics were also used to analyze the obtained data.

The results of the research. The study involved 79 people who were treated at the Kyiv City Endocrinology Center (among them: men – 31, women – 48, average age – 52.22, σ – 16.61. Twenty-five people were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus and 54 – with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

It is established that the generalized motivational and semantic profile of patients with diabetes mellitus reflects the average level of meaningfulness of life, reduced level of life goals, satisfactory interest in life and satisfaction with self-realization. Low locus of control «Me» is combined with a sufficient indicator of locus of control «Life»; consequently, the respondents believe in the fundamental possibility of managing life, but they do not believe in their own ability to control it. The participants are characterized by a predominance of motives for survival in conditions of illness, the tendency to abandon creative self-realization, and participation in public life.

With the help of cluster analysis 5 clusters were identified and analyzed. It contains specific profiles of patients with diabetes mellitus: «Typical»; «Meaningful»; «Contradictory isolationists»; «Concerned with self-preservation» and «Meaningless».

The analysis made it possible to make conclusions about the content and level of motivational and semantic parameters of patients with diabetes in general; as well as, include people in individual clusters. Prospects for further research include the search for links between motivational and semantic profiles with personal factors, identifying factors that affect the nature of the organization of motivational and semantic structure in patients with diabetes.


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How to Cite

Krupelnytska, L., & Burovska, I. (2021). Motivational and Semantic Profiles in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (52), 106–135.