Compatibility Features between Athletes-Players with Different Efficiency of Team Activities




interpersonal relationships, compatibility, athletes-players, efficiency of sport team activities


The aim of the article is to compare the parameters of compatibility (psychophysiological and socio-psychological) among athletes-players with different efficiency of team activities.

Methods. Athletes representing various kinds of sports (football, basketball, etc.) took part in the research. Psychophysiological compatibility was studied using the cinematometric methodology of E.P. Ilyin, the method of diagnosing the temperament of Y. Streliau, and free conversation. The following methodologies were used for measurement of parameters of socio-psychological compatibility of athletes: «Sociometry» modificated by I.P. Volkov; methodology «Attitude to training and competitive activity» by Y.A. Kolomeitsev; methodology «Orientation of Personality» by V. Smekal and M. Kucher modificated by Y.A. Kolomeitsev; methodology «Motives of sports activity» by E.A. Kalinin. The efficiency of sports activities was calculated by the coefficient efficiency of the player presented in the competition statistics.

According to the design, the research is a comparative analysis of compatibility parameters of sports team members who differ in their efficiency indicators.

Results of the research. With the help of comparative analysis it was found the statistically reliable differences in various samples of athletes, namely:

  • among members of one team who possess identical indicators of inertia – mobility of nerve processes, also their subjective assessments of the game partner and high success rates coincided;
  • athletes with a high sociometric status in the team turned out to be significantly more productive than teammates with a lower status;
  • the general motivation for sports activities is quite expected to be significantly higher in the group of highly productive athletes; at the same time, less productive players are dominated by a focus on themselves; and there are no differences in the severity of focus on interactions in different groups.

Conclusions. The empirical data proves that the content of separate components of compatibility (psychophysiological and sociopsychological) differs significantly among players with different success of sports activities. A hypothesis about the indirect nature of the connection between compatibility in the «athlete-athlete» system and the performance of team activities was raised.


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How to Cite

Havrylovych, O. (2021). Compatibility Features between Athletes-Players with Different Efficiency of Team Activities. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (53), 60–77.