Psychological Structure of Communication: Scientific and Methodological Aspect




communication, communicative interaction, communicative behavior, communicative deed, communicative act, communicative activity, communicative process, communicative action


The purpose of the article is to carry out a theoretical and methodological analysis of the psychological structure of communication. According to the purpose, the structural-logical analysis of communication is carried out, its basic components are identified and the psychological model of communication is reproduced.

Methods and techniques. Theoretical and methodological research was carried out on the basis of structural-logical, systematic and differential analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization, and scientific modeling.

Results and discussions. Based on scientific research, the essence of the concept of «communication» is clarified, its most important features and forms are determined. There are three main components of communication: communicative interaction, communicative behavior, and communicative activity.

By means of scientific analysis, a structural analysis of communicative interaction was carried out, which made it possible to single out its components and the smallest structural elements. The main components are communication and interpersonal relationships. The smallest structural elements are defined as a communicative event, as a holistically realized episode of communication, which involves interactive-informational exchange and communicative situation, as an interconnected set of external and internal factors realized in a particular communicative act.

In addition, the study of communication identified two other components: communicative behavior as a social activity aimed at interaction between individuals, and communicative activity as a social speech activity that has its own meaning and purpose. Communicative behavior is described as an individual set of norms and traditions of communication of individuals within social communities. Communicative activity is reflected as an activity that has an independent communicative purpose and contains all the features of activity such as goal and process setting.

During the theoretical analysis, their smallest structural characteristics were determined. Units of communicative behavior are defined as communicative action and communicative act (interaction), the smallest units of communicative activity – communicative process and communicative action.

Conclusions. On the basis of the conducted structural analysis the most important indicators of communication were described, whose formation became a necessary condition for the formation of communicative skills. A scientific model of communication has been developed and presented in a schematic presentation.


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How to Cite

Honcharuk, N. (2021). Psychological Structure of Communication: Scientific and Methodological Aspect. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (53), 78–101.