Preventive System of Hospitalism Syndrome in Early Children with Cerebral Palsy
hospitalism, young children, cerebral palsy, preventive work, early ageAbstract
The preventive system of hospitalism syndrome in young children with cerebral palsy includes primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, which are interrelated and ensure its successful functioning.
The aim of the research is to substantiate the peculiarities of preventive system of hospitalism syndrome in young children with cerebral palsy.
To achieve this goal, we used the following research methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of the main regulations of psychological and pedagogical science on the problem of occurrence and prevention of hospitalism syndrome in young children with cerebral palsy; study of psychological principles of preventive work with young children with cerebral palsy; systematization of the results of scientific and theoretical analysis of the features of preventive work with young children with cerebral palsy.
Results of the research. We found that primary prevention provides active work with young children with cerebral palsy before the hospitalization symptoms’ onset in order to prevent its occurrence. Secondary prevention includes the teamwork of various specialists, aimed at preventing the exacerbation of hospitalization in children, when its onsets are already present. Tertiary prevention is aimed at preventing the relapse of hospitalism against the background of the reconditioning of cognitive and social activity of young children with cerebral palsy. In accordance with the objectives of the research, a model of the preventive system of the syndrome of hospitalism in young children with cerebral palsy, we identified directions, conditions and areas of implementation of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. In the process of substantiation of the prevention system, we indicated the specialists of different profiles perform the main activities within the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of hospitalism syndrome in young children with cerebral palsy.
Conclusions. The main condition for the success of the preventive system of hospitalization in young children with cerebral palsy is a systematic approach to its implementation, consistent implementation of the tasks of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
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