Peculiarities of the Relationship between the Psychological Climate and the Distribution of Roles in the Family




psychological climate of the family, distribution of roles in the family, family adaptation and cohesion, understanding, emotional attractiveness, authority, love, sympathy


The aim of the article is the determination of the peculiarities of the psychological climate and the distribution of roles in modern families, determination of the relationship between the studied factors.

Methods. The study was conducted using the following tests: UEA questionnaire (understanding, emotional attractiveness, authority) by A.N. Volkova; scale of family adaptation and cohesion (FACES–3); test on marital satisfaction (Yu.Ye. Alioshina, L.Ya. Gozman, O.M. Dubovska); questionnaire «Scale of love and sympathy» (Z. Rubin, modification by L.Ya. Gozman, Yu.Ye. Alioshina); methods of determining the peculiarities of the distribution of roles in the family (Yu.Ye. Alioshina, L.Ya. Gozman, O.M. Dubovska).

Analysis of the results of the research didn’t show any statistically significant difference in the performance of men and women at the level of family cohesion, both real and ideal. At the same time, from the point of view of women, the real adaptation in their families is higher than men think. According to women, in case of stressful situations, their family system will be able to adapt to new conditions. Men find their families less flexible. But the ideal family adaptation, according to men, should be lower than women think. The level of marital satisfaction, i.e. the degree of divergence of views on the ideal family adaptation and cohesion and the real characteristics of their own families in men is higher than in women. According to the results of the study, the author found that in general the level of marital satisfaction in men is higher than in women. It is noted that the level of love for men is also higher in relation to their wives than for women to men. Significant direct and inverse relationships between psychological climate factors and family roles have been identified, with a clear distinction between these relationships between women and men.

Conclusions. It can be stated that the psychological climate is a set of psychological conditions that contribute to or hinder the reunification of the family, a set of psychological states, moods, relationships of its members. Psychological climate is not a stable concept, it is created by members of each family, and it depends on their efforts what it will be like. The ability and desire to understand each other, to meet the needs of a partner in equality, to support the ideas of family members about family roles is part of the psychological climate of the family.


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How to Cite

Faliova, O. (2021). Peculiarities of the Relationship between the Psychological Climate and the Distribution of Roles in the Family. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (53), 258–283.