Empirical Research of the Self-education Motivation of Students
self-education, self-education motivation, motivation for achieving success, motivation of learning, self-education ability, self-actualizationAbstract
The aim of the article is to present results of an empirical research of self-education motivation of students.
The following methods are used: empirical: «Method for studying the motivation for success and avoidance of failure» by A.О. Rean, «Method for studying the motivation of higher education» by T.I. Iliina, «Test for assessing the ability to self-development and self-education» by V.I. Andreev, «Personal Orientation Inventory» by E. Shostrom; mathematical and statistical methods of data processing.
The results of the research. The data of studying the components of self-education motivation (motivation for achieving success, motivation of learning, the ability to self-education and self-actualization) have been presented. Diagnostics of the motivation for success and avoidance of failure has shown that in the group of the first and third year undergraduate students, motivation for success prevails, but it is not marked, and in the 1–2nd year of magistracy, most students have a stable motivation for success. An empirical study of the motivation of educational activity has shown that the motive «Acquisition of knowledge» is the leading motive for students, and the motives «Mastering a profession» and «Getting a diploma» are almost at the same level. This demonstrates that students show curiosity, interest in acquiring knowledge, but still formally assimilate them. It has been found that the motivation for self-education of students grows during the course of study – from the level below average (at the 1st year of the higher education level «Bachelor») to above the average (at the 1st year of the higher education level «Master»). Diagnostics of the degree of self-actualization has shown that students of the first and third years of the baccalaureate have an average degree of self-actualization, and the first year of the magistracy – a high one, which indicates the desire to develop personal capabilities.
Conclusions. Results of the empirical research and correlation analysis of components of the self-education motivation have confirmed the research hypothesis in that part that the self-education motivation of students increases during the course of education; it has been stated the ability for self-education leads to the desire to achieve success and depends on self-actualization.
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