Psychological Resources of the Modification in Self-Fulfillment of Personality




psychological resources, self-actualization, self-realization, self-fulfillment, personal changes


The aim of the article is an empirical definition of the psychological resources of modification in the self-fulfillment of the person.

The empirical study used methods of psychological questioning, as well as such methods of mathematical and statistical data analysis, in particular, regression, correlation, classification, discriminant, and multifactor analysis. The empirical study was implemented according to Nelson’s model, which made it possible to characterize the required psychological resources by discriminating against them.

Research results. It was found that the reflected psychological resources in the configurations of self-fulfillment – existential, personal, and professional self-fulfillment – are: creativity, work on yourself, the ability to update their own resources, coherence, charity, meaningful life, expression of emotions. Interpretive resources «creativity» and «ability to update own resources» are predictors of all three configurations of self-realization. Psychological resources that moderate the relationship of existential motivation as a manifestation of the inner world of man and life tasks are identified as creativity, self-work, coherence, charity, expression of emotions. Psychological resources that are factors of self-realization, self-actualization, self-fulfillment of the person are creativity, the ability to update their own resources, coherence. Coherence is a factor for all three configurations of self-realization.

Conclusions. The sequence of the resourcefulness of changes in self-fulfillment is as follows: first, due to the resource of work on oneself, self-actualization is carried out, the effect of which is existential self-fulfillment as a sense of real and authorial life lived by the person; further, the ability to update their own resources leads to the transformation of forms in personal and professional self-fulfillment; at the end of the change, the resource of creativity affects the possibility of self-fulfillment of the person. The whole process of reflected changes is patronized by coherence, as a factor in the significance of a life lived by the person, as well as its optimal and healthy functioning.


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How to Cite

Shtepa, O. (2021). Psychological Resources of the Modification in Self-Fulfillment of Personality. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (53), 330–354.