The Characteristic of the Phenomenonof Adaptation as an Active Psychological Process




the adaptation, destructive behavior, demonstrative disobedience, demonstrating real or imagined powerlessness, a case of a confrontation with adults


The purpose of this article is: to show the process of adaptation as an active psychological process, which is influenced by both external (objective) and in­ternal (subjective) factors; to express the main ideas of the Rational-Нumanistic Approach, the Psychoanalytic direction, a Conative and a Cognitive models, a Socio-psychological direction.

The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generaliza­tion.

The results of the research. Thus, destructive behavior is performed with a very specific purpose. Such behavior always requires special attention. It can cause anxiety, irritation, especially if children see this as the only one way for their parents to notice them, take care of them, to deal with them. Demonstra­tive disobedience of children, as a rule, is a consequence of a completely wrong conclusion of children that they can assert themselves, insist on the fulfillment of their desires, proving their strength in a case of confrontation with adults. Revenge, retribution, and the desire to hurt others sometimes seem to children to be the only way to feel themselves important and meaningful. Claiming their inability or inferiority, demonstrating real or imagined power­lessness, as a rule, we have to refuse to communicate with parents, do not want to carry out assignments, to be irresponsible to the whole process of our life.

Conclusions. The purpose of psychological assistance to parents according to socio-psychological direction should be to help both adults and children to master as many appropriate types of social interaction. Such kind of interaction should be built on the basis of completely identical or fairly close ideas about values and mutual respect of people of each other. One of the main tasks of family upbringing is to help a child become a competent person who will be able to use constructive psychological mechanisms and means independently to form a sense of self-worth and to master a certain, the most important for the child social status.

The remarkable relevance of the ideas of A. Adler (1998) and R. Dreikurs (1986), no doubt, is associated with the crisis, in which the family found itself in the first half of the last century. Traditional relationships between parents and children, organized according to the principle of superiority and subordination, have proved to be extremely ineffective. According to the authors, parents who continue to communicate with their children from the standpoint of power and superiority, do not realize that children perceive them as equal partners in the whole process of communication. Top-down conversation with children usually leads to children’s mind, in turn, in the same way they begin to communicate with their parents or even shut themselves in, try not to react to parents and, at the end, even despise them.

Thus, R. Dreikurs (1986) was one of the first persons who started discus­sions in the training groups of parents who were living in the neighborhood. He assumed that parents would share their experiences, ask questions and seek support, form approval from the side of the group. The main task of the group leader was to organize the discussion skillfully, to make formulation of questions, and each member of the group could periodically perform the role of group leader in the case of exchange of certain information and provide the expertise.


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How to Cite

Hlavinska, E. (2021). The Characteristic of the Phenomenonof Adaptation as an Active Psychological Process. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (54), 9–33.