The Empirical Results of the Managers of Pedagogical Institutions of Higher Education by the Creative Indicators of a Personality
the creative indicators of the person, the concepts of leadership behavior, the level of professional creativity, leadership styles, authoritarian leadership, educational institution, motivation of subordinatesAbstract
The aim of the research is to study the mental (or intellectual qualities) of the managers of educational institutions and their connection with the professional creativity of the individual.
The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. Also we used experimental methods, such as pilot research.
The research program included the following methods:
- Cattell’s 16-PF personality questionnaire and FPI.
- Test «Social Intelligence» by J. Guilford and J.L. O’Sullivan (adapted by O.S. Mykhailova).
- Spielberger-Khanin’s Reactive and Personal Anxiety Scale.
- «The Methodology of measuring anxiety in the professional activities of managers» (Михальчук, Набочук & Івашкевич, 2021).
- «Personality Orientation Test» (V. Smekalo & M. Kucher).
- The author’s «Methodology for assessing the ability of managers to be creative» (Набочук, 2021).
- Culturally independent intelligence test of R. Kettell.
The results of the research. As a result of the obtained data according to the levels of general intelligence of teachers-managers, which differ in the professional activities of the institutions where they work, we asked experts to assess the concepts of leadership behavior and the level of professional creativity within them. Thus, the experts identified the following concepts of leadership behavior of managers, which they observed:
- The concept of «Three styles of leadership: authoritarian, democratic and passive ones» – a high level of professional creativity.
- Leadership style «Management grid» – a high level of professional creativity.
- Leadership style «Approval and punishment» – a low level of professional creativity.
- Leadership style «Behavior that replaces leadership» – a low level of professional creativity.
Experts argued that the first and the second leadership styles and, consequently, a high level of professional creativity are inherent for managers of different groups with high and medium levels of general intelligence. Accordingly, the 3d and the 4th leadership styles are such characteristics of managers with a level of intelligence «below average» and, accordingly, a low level of their professional creativity.
Conclusions. The experts also stressed that the leaders were more creative under the conditions of authoritarian leadership of the educational institution (0.7516 – according to the results of factor analysis). Despite the fact that this type of leadership is characterized by a low level of motivation of subordinates (0.7220), fewer original decisions were made by the latter (0.6918), insufficient level of group thinking (0.6501), anxiety (0.6403) and aggression (0.6324) in the behavior of group members, the managers of educational institutions showed a high level of professional creativity.
Experts also found that a leader with a high level of professional creativity is distinguished by: the tendency to help employees under any circumstances and the development of positive relationships with them; using a group rather than an individual approach to employee management; the desire to establish a high level of performance of professional activities and to solve intense tasks in situations of cognitive dissonance.
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