The Theory of Attraction and the Principles of Facilitative Interaction




facilitation, facilitative interaction, the theory of attraction, the principles of facilitative interaction, the development of individual learning route, creating positive conditions for interaction, creation of positive preconditions for learning and personal development of students


The purpose of our research is: using the main statements of the theory of attraction to formulate the principles of facilitative interaction; to propose a set of exercises for the development of facilitative interaction of pupils at the lessons; to propose four types of transformation utterances of facilitative interaction at the lessons.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

The results of the research. We proved, that the socio-genetic mechanism of facilitation is the mechanism of cultural transmission: to facilitate means to stimulate, to activate, to create favorable conditions, to make changes and to influence, to support, to help, to care, etc.; a belief in the original, constructive and creative essence of a man as self-worth. The result of facilitation is the concept of necessary and sufficient conditions for effective interpersonal communication that promote the development of personality and to provide constructive personality changes.

The procedural side of facilitation at the lessons of secondary school is implied on the principles of synergy - cooperation, interaction, a dialogue; truthfulness and openness; the acceptance of another person as personally significant one; empathic understanding; the formation of skills and abilities which are appropriate for facilitative interaction.

Conclusions. It was noted that the facilitative aspects of students' autonomy often impressed with their results: pupils realized and accepted the need to organize activities in the environment of interpersonal communication as personally significant ones, contributing to their own personal development and providing constructive personal change. Students seek to develop skills of em- pathic mastery of the context; students are interested in creating positive preconditions for the formation of meaningful learning and personal development in general as a result of the restructuring of personal views in the process of interpersonal interaction; students are aware of their self-sufficiency. Facilita- tive aspects of human autonomy are actualized through four main methods of interpersonal interaction: persuasion, imitation, suggestion and infection, which are facilitative by their context.

It is proved, that persuasion is the process of substantiating judgments or inferences. The imitation is the reproduction of certain external features of the behavior, the actions and the activities by a person. Suggestion is considered to be the psychological influence of one person on another; this process is designed for uncritical perception of words, thoughts and desires expressed by different people. Infection is the process of transmitting an emotional state from one person to another, actualizing the semantic effect of perception in the process of interpersonal interaction. It was noted that when all these methods of interpersonal interaction were explained in the process of the activity, the product of this activity, as a rule, would differ in a creative, non-standard approach and, that is the most important, - all students always like these products.


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How to Cite

Khupavtseva, N., & Kurytsia, D. (2022). The Theory of Attraction and the Principles of Facilitative Interaction. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (55), 131–149.