Peculiarities of the Social Trauma Significance (on the Example of the AN-26 Catastrophe) for the Value and Motivation Sphere of Cadets




social trauma, value sphere, motivational sphere, servicemen, stress


The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the significance of social trauma for the value-motivational sphere of cadets who had psychological contact with servicemen died in the AN-26 crash and those who did not have it.

Theoretical and empirical research methods were used to solve the tasks: testing to determine the presence of social trauma in order to form a sample of subjects (the method of incomplete Sachs sentences); methods of diagnos­ing significant values for cadets (Schwartz's value questionnaire); methods of research of motivation to service activity of cadets: "motivation of professional activity" (K. Zamfir's method in A. Rean's modification), "method of diagnostics of the person on motivation to avoid failures" (T Ehlers); methods of mathe­matical statistics: Mana-Whitney's test for determination of differences be­tween groups of samples; Spearman's correlation coefficient of the study on closeness of the connection between social trauma and the value-motivational sphere of cadets.

Results of the research. Soldiers who had psychological contact with the cadets died in the AN-26 crash had a focus on the choice of such values as "Se­curity", "Stimulation", "Independence", "Kindness". The study found that the control group was dominated by such value orientations as "Hedonism" and "Power", which was due to military activities, forming personal discipline and a certain systematics.

Conclusions. As a result of the study using mathematical statistics, the rela­tionship between the importance of social trauma for the value and motivation of cadets who had psychological contact with the dead servicemen in the crash ofAN-26. The closest connection is found between the importance of social trau­ma and such a value construct as "Security". The analysis of scientific problems showed that the question of the significance of social trauma for the value - mo­tivational sphere is open from the empirical and theoretical point of view and needs its further research.


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How to Cite

Yarosh, N., & Lehetska, Y. (2022). Peculiarities of the Social Trauma Significance (on the Example of the AN-26 Catastrophe) for the Value and Motivation Sphere of Cadets. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (55), 194–214.