Communicative and Quasi-Communicative Techniques to Develop Students’ Communicative Competence




communicative competence, communicative techniques, quasi-communicative techniques, quasi-communication, professional activity, professional opportunities, monologue speech, dialogue speech


The purpose of our article is: to describe communicative and quasi-communicative techniques to develop students’ communicative competence; to show the reasons for bad quasi-communication; to describe the types of exercises that are inherent to each of the stages of the development of communicative competence of students of philological faculties; to show how the professional development of students, future translators, depends on their communicative competence.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

The results of the research. Professional activity is one of the most important ways for everyone to connect with the world, and for many people it is a real factor in building relationships with others. So, the main importance of leading activities in determining the life path of each individual is that it opens a person’s guidelines for inclusion him/her into new spheres of life in the society, introduces it to new social structures and allows to establish even more and the quality of social ties.

Conclusions. The professional development is presented as a sequence of certain specific phases that differ by content and the form of presentation of professional desires. The way of career should be divided into five stages: growth, search, strengthening, stabilization and decline. The period of choosing a profession and the professional development is the second stage of this five-step model, which covers the age of 14 to 25 years and is characterized by the fact that the individual performs professional activities in different roles, focusing on his/her real professional opportunities. We should also note that professional development is understood by us quite broadly: it is the formation of a person’s idea of his/her professional career, and preparation for future professional activity, the initial process of professional activity and the whole career path, change in a career and retirement. The professional development of students, future translators, depends on their communicative competence that in a great degree depends on the processes of real, natural communication, which can be presented in a monologue and a dialogue forms, and also on the process of quasi-communication.


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How to Cite

Ivashkevych, E. (2022). Communicative and Quasi-Communicative Techniques to Develop Students’ Communicative Competence. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (56), 64–84.