The Theory of Lateral Thinking and the Development of Informational Scripts




Creative Psychology, the theory of lateral thinking, vertical thinking, informational scripts, methods of creative transformation, unmotivated regrouping of elements, gaining of information, expansion of the information field


The aim of our research is to study dominant areas of theoretical and empirical researches in the paradigm of Creative Psychology, to describe the theory of lateral thinking and the development of informational scripts within it.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

The results of the research. It is showed that the main ways to change and develop information scripts in the paradigm of the theory of lateral thinking are: free, unmotivated regrouping of elements; gaining of information; expansion of the information field, inclusion of random “extra” information in the already known individual of the frame; an abrupt way of developing a certain idea. The principles of lateral thinking are: postponement of the assessment; the accident; the information which jumps in any direction; doubts; future; the opposite of absolute confidence.

Conclusions. So, distinguishing between vertical and lateral thinking, we emphasize two cardinal, opposite and interrelated areas of the creative process: the association and dissociation of information elements, the creation of stereotypes and their destruction. It is also substantiated the possibility of creating a system of technologies and methods of creative transformation. It is proved that all these were of fundamental importance for the prospects of developing psycho- correctional and developmental programs in the Psychology of Creativity. Some current issues of Creative Psychology (CREATIVE PROCESS – RESULT – PERSONALITY OF THE CREATOR) are identified, the scientific context of personality is determined, the presupposition and dominant guidelines for further search and implementation of our own empirical researches are showed.


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How to Cite

Nabochuk, A. (2022). The Theory of Lateral Thinking and the Development of Informational Scripts. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (57), 90–108.