The Ways to Capitalization of the Psychological Resources of the Personality




resource of capitalization, psychological resourcefulness, personal resourcefulness, psychological capital, efficiency of self-realization


The aim of the article is to determine peculiarities of capitalization of psychological resources in the way of psychological and personal resources.

Research methods. In the empirical research the methods of psychological poll, as well as mathematical and statistical methods of discriminating and comparative analysis, method of “causes and effects” are used. The empirical research is implemented by the Goldmark model, which provides for the establishment of alternative hypotheses, allowing to define valuable orientations of the research.

The results of the research. It was found that the resources are capitalized in the way of psychological resourcefulness, such as: resources-“strengths of character” – involvement in a common cause and leadership; interpretive psychological resources – love, creativity, kindness to people; psychological survival resources – cognition and reasoning, as well as physical activity; motivational resource of psychological well-being – autonomy; existential resource – freedom. In the way of personal resourcefulness, such resources are capitalized as: the resource of relationships – psychosocial values; interpretive psychological resources – love and self-improvement; resources-“strengths of character” – meaningfulness, interest in life, gratitude, honesty, sensitivity.

Conclusions. A person can use only capitalized resources because he/she knows he/she has got them and he/she masters them skillfully. Capitalization of resources in the way of personal resourcefulness, as through appropriation, well-being, values, character traits enables a person to ascertain himself, and characterizes the degree of his achieved significance, respectability. Capitalization of resources in the way of psychological resourcefulness, as through understanding, opens up the possibilities of self-interpretation, self-change, and shows the extent of its realized possibilities, personal feasibility. We believe that the capitalization of resources in the way of personal resourcefulness enables an individual to achieve effective self-realization in the form of self-made, a way of psychological resourcefulness – unique self-realization of one’s own real life.


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How to Cite

Shtepa, O. (2022). The Ways to Capitalization of the Psychological Resources of the Personality. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (57), 147–162.