Current Problems of Psychological Counterfeit of Negative Information Influences on Personality and Ways to Overcome Them




counteraction to negative information influences, personality, neuroses, covid, reflex


The purpose. The essence of the social situation that has occurred in the world is that the importance of the psychological factor of personal existence in the formation and functioning of the process are caused by the pandemic. The purpose of the study is to reveal the current problems of psychological counterfeit of negative influences on personality and to find ways to overcome them.

Methods of the research. Achieving the goal and solving the tasks of our research comprises the use of a number of methods of theoretical scientific research: analysis of the education system in the field of psychology; generalization of conceptual principles of professional education; comparison of educational and professional programs; systematization of the main principles of educational and professional training; modeling of the structural and logical scheme of educational and professional training in establishments of higher education.

The results of the research. The results of monitoring the neurointerface of cognitive-emotional reactions of young people of normative and deviant behavior before and during the COVID-19 pandemic are presented. During quarantine, changes were observed both at the level of the individual’s psyche and at the macro-social level.

Conclusions. It is a certain mania of persecution and observance of certain rules of protection, which has become a manic state in society. The mania of persecution becomes the dominant unit. The second point is the illogicality of thinking, which is manifested in an inadequate attitude to the world as a whole, and to themselves, to relatives, friends…. And this is a specific form of bifurcation of consciousness. When there are rather incomprehensible paradoxical aggressive and depressive syndromes, on the one hand, it is aggression, and on the other hand, it is the fear of everyone around. Constant transformational processes in society and serious challenges of today such as digitalization, robotics, armed conflicts, economic downturn, pandemic COVID-19, environmental problems force people to constantly adapt to new realities. However, the intensity and dynamics of these changes cause psychological maladaptation in young people, which is manifested by behavioral deviations: high aggression, intolerance, addictions, suicidal behavior and sexual deviations. In general, the scale of deviant behavior threatens the national security of many countries. Therefore, now it is more necessary than ever to find effective solutions to overcome the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare for such situations. However, it is necessary to know how the cognitive and emotional reactions of young people to psychological events before and during quarantine have changed. It is these data from the longitudinal study that will make it possible to build adequate programs for the prevention of deviations among young people caused by being in natural and man-made emergencies.


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How to Cite

Maksymenko, S., & Kasynets, M. (2022). Current Problems of Psychological Counterfeit of Negative Information Influences on Personality and Ways to Overcome Them. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (58), 87–114.