Psychological Principles of Organizing Classroom Management at Secondary Schools




classroom management, contemporary approaches, methods’ strategies, a dialogue, the interpretation of a dialogue, a subject of thinking, a form of communication, a dialogic nature of the very content of thinking


The purpose of our research is to describe classroom management as a multi-faceted activity and which is understood in a way of use of untraditional behavior management techniques.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The experimental method was the method of organizing empirical research.

The results of the research. Therefore, we can talk about a single common speech process. A dialogue in the educational process is included into a joint activity with the aim of achieving a certain goal. In such a way the dialogue can be attributed to the dialogue-conversation. A dialogic statement is a kind of stimulus that prompts the partner of communication to make an appropriate statement in a dialogue, it has a pronounced focus on the partner and is directed towards him/her as much as it is possible, oriented towards him/her.

Conclusions. For our research the interpretation of a dialogue is of greatest importance, which acts as a supplement to the above-considered approaches to understanding a dialogue and expresses a dialogic nature of the very content of thinking and the activity of a modern person. This dialogicity, as well as the problematic nature of any knowledge is connected with it. The dialogue seems to be included today into the very subject of thinking, acts as its integral side, which naturally gives a rise to a dialogue and as a form of communication, and as a type of relationships between those people who study this or that object. At the same time, a different view from our understanding of the mentioned object appears as necessary for me. It is precisely because of indicated difference. Responding to the challenge which is contained in the paradigm of a dialogue, a personality deepens his/her understanding of the object as the subject of this understanding.


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How to Cite

Mykhalchuk, N., & Kurytsia, D. (2022). Psychological Principles of Organizing Classroom Management at Secondary Schools. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (58), 115–135.