Aesthetic Experience, Artistic and Creative Activities as the Components of Creative Potential of a Personality




aesthetic experience, artistic activity, creative activity, the integrative approach, the conative approach, motivation for learning, self-development, intellectual initiation, reflection, introspection, metacognitions


The aim of our article is to show the role of aesthetic experience, artistic and creative activities as the components of creative potential of the person in the paradigm of two dominant approaches – in the sphere of integrative and conative approaches.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

The results of the research. In the paradigm of the integrative approach we found that in the mind of an adult the following principles are transformed: motivational and goal components integrate into a holistic motivational goal, creatively focus on learning. In the paradigm of the conative approach, there were proposed such structural components of subjective activity of the person: the formation and the achievement of personally significant goals; motivation for learning and self-development; intellectual initiation; reflection and introspection, determination of thinking and dominance of other metacognitions; independence; social activity; freedom of creative choice and responsibility for it; initiative; self-realization; communicativeness; predictability.

Conclusions. Summarizing the views of current psychological researches, it can be noted that they in a great degree emphasize such creative personality traits as productive ones, creative thinking, the implementation of creative characteristics, transformative human activity, the need for self-affirmation, material well-being, the transformation of the surrounding natural and social world, the implementation of doping strategies in the context of life achievements of the individual (a conative approach); intellectual activity, psychological flexibility, creative motivation, multivariate vision of the surrounding world, originality, divergence; personal achievements (integrative approach).


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How to Cite

Nabochuk, A. (2022). Aesthetic Experience, Artistic and Creative Activities as the Components of Creative Potential of a Personality. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (58), 136–155.