Psychological Peculiarities of Physical Rehabilitation of Patients with Ischemic Stroke




ischemic stroke, physical rehabilitation of patients, psychological essence of biomechanical laws, redistribution of functions of the affected limb, psycho-emotional state of patients, psychomotor activity


The purpose of the research is: to study the characteristics of disorders of psychomotor function and psycho-emotional state of patients with ischemic stroke according to the initial examination; to develop a method of physical rehabilitation of patients with ischemic stroke at the inpatient stage of rehabilitation, depending on the severity of psychomotor functions and features of the psycho-emotional state; to outline psychological essence of biomechanical laws which direct the disorders of the psychomotor function of a personality.

Research methods. There were used the following psychological and pedagogical research methods: the analysis of literature sources, the method of psychological and pedagogical observation, psychological and pedagogical experiment.

The results of the research. The methods of functional biomanagement with external feedback are proved to be fundamentally new and promising in physical rehabilitation, having been used with the aim of training physiological or retraining pathologically impaired functions. The empirical data is shown to be obtained corresponding to the goals and tasks of the movement restoration system in the case of various diseases and brain injuries. The strongest stimulator of movement is proved to be so called kinesthetic sense, to reproduce consciously performed movements. Kinesthetic sense is a mean that is a necessary prerequisite for the rehabilitation of patients with ischemic stroke.

Conclusions. The psychological essence of biomechanical laws is defined in relation to the disorders of the psychomotor function of a person: 1) the rule of redistribution of functions of the affected limb; 2) the rule of functional copying of another person’s movements; 3) the rule of ensuring the optimum in psychomotor activity.


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How to Cite

Kharchenko, Y., & Komarnitska, L. (2022). Psychological Peculiarities of Physical Rehabilitation of Patients with Ischemic Stroke. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (58), 206–226.