Facilitative Interaction as the Mechanism of Actualization of «Me-Real» and «Me-Ideal» of a Personality





facilitative interaction, “Me-real”, “Me-ideal”, psychological new formations of a personal and interpersonal nature, self-development


The purpose of our research is to denote the principles of facilitative interaction in the process of interpersonal communication at lessons, to show the facilitative aspects of students’ autonomy, to describe facilitation as a phenomenon of interpersonal communication, to display the nature and genesis of facilitative interaction according to our own empirical researches, to prove that facilitative interaction is the mechanism of actualization of “Me-real” and “Meideal” of a personality.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. The pilot study as an empirical method was used in the study.

The results of the research. So, we’d like to show that facilitation is a change in the students’ performance during a contact with the teacher or other students. Even the passive presence of the teacher in the classroom greatly activates the students, directs their activity in the correct direction, stabilizes it outside of purposeful actions on the part of the teacher. However, the phenomenon of facilitation has considerable influence only if the teacher is authoritative, referential, recognized. Then, as a result of psychological and pedagogical interaction, various psychological new formations of a personal and interpersonal nature are arisen, which are usually called “changes” or “phenomena”.

Conclusions. We proved that one of the significant constructive phenomena of facilitative interaction is a psychological status of the individual, without the acquisition of which there cannot be a process of active, consistent progressive development and self-development of the individual. Psychological status characterizes not only the student’s real place in the system of interpersonal relationships, but also the position in a class, in family, peer groups. They also depend on the situation how he/she attributes to himself/herself. The need to build oneself as a personality, to get self-improvement, etc. does not arise spontaneously – it is formed in the process of facilitative interaction. It is psychological and pedagogical influences which allow the student to realize the difference between “Me-real” and “Me-ideal”, without which personal development cannot take place.


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How to Cite

Khupavtseva, N., & Slavina, N. (2022). Facilitative Interaction as the Mechanism of Actualization of «Me-Real» and «Me-Ideal» of a Personality. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (58), 227–246. https://doi.org/10.32626/2227-6246.2022-58.227-246