Conative, Personality-based, Cognitive and Competence Approaches in the Semantic Sphere of the Individual’s Creativity




creativity of the Individual, a conative approach, a personal approach, an integrative approach, a cognitive approach, a motivational approach, a competence approach


The aim of our article is to show conative, personality-based, cognitive and competence approaches in the semantic sphere of the individual’s creativity, to determine their characteristics, valuable and unique qualities.

Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

The results of the research. We think that leading to the development of the person’s creative imagination is metaphorical imagination (personal approach). The latter is able to create new images of objects, ideas, meanings and emotional-sensual experiences, appealing to the imagination of the respondent who perceives. Metaphorical imagination is manifested as a person’s ability to independent creative metaphors, creatively interpret complex metaphors, creatively and originally apply existing metaphorical expressions depending on the context of a certain situation. Realizing the connection between the sensual and the rational, the construction of a creative metaphorical image activates the subject’s sensory-perceptual and emotional imagination on a creative level, thereby contributing to a new and deeper understanding of their essence.

Conclusions. We showed that psychological researches in a great degree emphasized such creative personality traits as productive ones, creative thinking, the implementation of creative characteristics, transformative human activity, the need for self-affirmation, material well-being, the transformation of the surrounding natural and social world, the implementation of doping strategies in the context of life achievements of the individual (a conative approach); intellectual activity, psychological flexibility, creative motivation, multivariate vision of the surrounding world, originality, divergence; personal achievements (integrative approach); mental structures, mental representations, mental experience, intellectual abilities – speed, originality, sensitivity, metaphoricality, formulation and original solution of a problem, actualization of the concept of a creative act (a cognitive approach); motivation to carry out creative activities, motivation to achieve success, situational self-actualization (a motivational approach); a high level of professionalism, professional and creative semantics, creative explication of the situation, professional and creative social perception, creative aspects of communication (competence approach).


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How to Cite

Nabochuk, A. (2023). Conative, Personality-based, Cognitive and Competence Approaches in the Semantic Sphere of the Individual’s Creativity. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (59), 135–157.