Notional Architectonics of Consciousness and Transformation of the Existential and Systemic Concept «Model of the World» of Future Psychologists who Have Their Professional Activity in the Sphere of Psychological Counseling




meaning, «life style», «model of the world», existential and systemic approach, evolution, future counseling psychologists.


The aim of the article. The issue concerning the specifics of notional architectonics
of consciousness of future counseling psychologists is highlighted in the study 

and the existential-systemic approach to the reorganization of their «model of
the world» is described.
Methods. The «model of the world» of future counseling psychologists was
studied using: A. Adler’s «The earliest childhood memory» method, F. Fiedler’s
«Type of attitude toward others» methodology, modeling of «semantic
universals» «model of the world» by A. Artemieva.
The results of the research. Four plans for the analysis of the notional
dynamics of the «model of the world» of future counseling psychologists are
examined, in particular: the formation of the «model of the world»; the correlation
between the subjective model of the world and the objective world; plan for
the content and functioning of the «model of the world»; the development or
reorganization of the «model of the world». The structure of the significant
relations in the world of future counseling psychologists and the patterns that
they use is outlined. There have been established such attractors: methods of
comprehending the «World» as a source of fear, sadness, shame, anger, disgust
to confirm their own values regarding subjective image; behavioral programs
of avoidance, requests for help, accession, destruction, rejection as a means of
confirming established contacts and means of interaction with the «World»;
situationally-subjective and neutral-indifferent types of attitude towards others
accepted as the most effective forms of the relationship between «Me» and
the «World»; contextual semantic universals «resource and intention» and
«dynamics» as the genesis of the development and strength of the personality
system. The existential and systematic approach to the reorganization of the
notional architectonics of future counseling psychologists is described, which
involves not only expanding the horizon of the identification of oneself and
the world as a research, defining and adopting personal expert zones, but also
as searching and establishing notional relationships between elements of the
system due to the development of multidimensional psychological identification
of oneself and the world.
Conclusions. The proposed diagnostic scheme for studying the «model of
the world» of future counseling psychologists has ensured the construction of a
notional model of the relationship between the constructs «Me» and «World».
It has found out the parapharmal experience of constructing by the researchers
their own architectonics of meanings, considering its genesis and primary
components. Due to the multi-paradigmatic methodological foundations
and the tasks of integrating experience with unlimited intrinsic intensity, the
existential and system approach can be considered as an effective concept 

for creative change of «crystallized» patterns, the discovery of new vectors of
life changes, self-organization and evolution, due to the intrapsychic focus of
transformational work and objective orientation.

Author Biography

Світлана Каліщук, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv (Ukraine)

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Doctoral Student,
Psychology of Personality and Social Practices Department of
Institute of Human Sciences


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How to Cite

Каліщук, С. (2020). Notional Architectonics of Consciousness and Transformation of the Existential and Systemic Concept «Model of the World» of Future Psychologists who Have Their Professional Activity in the Sphere of Psychological Counseling. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (48), 154–174.