Study of the frequency of movements of junior taekwondo players




frequency of movements, martial arts, technique, special physical training, psychophysiological measurements, nervous system


Purpose: to determine the peculiarities of the manifestation of the frequency of movements in junior taekwondo players. Material and methods. The following research methods were used in this study: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical observation; pedagogical research; video computer analysis; psychophysiological measurements; mathematical and statistical research methods. Based on the study of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observations, conversations with coaches, it was determined that in martial arts, the frequency of movements is reflected in various technical and tactical combinations, which include a series of various strikes. Junior taekwondo players (n=12; 13,5±0,41 years old; 3 Gup - 1 Dan), representatives of the «Vulkan» sport school of the Cherkasy City Council took part in the study. Written consent was obtained from the parents of participants who took part in the study to participate and use the results of the study for scientific purposes. The following tests were used to solve the research tasks: performing a Dollyo chagi kick for 40 seconds; tapping test lasting 60 seconds. Results. According to the results of the assessment of the frequency of movements during the performance of a special exercise (performance of the Dollyo chagi kick in 40 seconds), it was established that the frequency of the kicks during the test gradually decreases. Regarding the duration of the active and passive phases of the impact, the duration of the passive phase is statistically significantly (p<0,01) longer than the duration of the active phase by 0,077s. This may indicate some violations in the punching technique, namely in the interaction of the muscles after direct contact with the punching bag. Between the total number of hits in 40 s and the total number of taps in the tapping test in 40 s, there is a significantly significant correlation r=0,74. Also, there are reliably significant relationships between the number of Dollyo chagi hits and the number of clicks in 5 s r=0,75, in 10 s r=78. A significantly significant correlation was found between the duration of the passive phase of the stroke and the number of taps in the tapping test, r=-0,62. Correlation analysis of the relationships between the number of hits and the number of taps in the tapping test, at each 5-second interval, showed that there are significant statistical relationships at 15s (r=68), 20s (r=79) and 35s (r =64). Conclusions. Violation of the duration of the passive phase of the Dollyo chagi strike is directly related to the complex work of the muscles, namely, the level of rational technique, which affects the frequency of techniques performed in the allotted time. Analysis of the frequency of movements during kicking confirms the relationship between the level of development of special physical fitness and technique. The study of the functional state of junior taekwondo players using the tapping test showed a reliably significant correlation between the number of taps in the tapping test and the duration of the passive phase of the strike and r=-0,62. The results of the research show that both the frequency of special movements and the quality of their execution depend on the functional state of junior taekwondo players.

Author Biographies

V. Romanenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

N. Veretelnikova, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

senior lecturer of the department of physical culture and health

V. Shandrigos, Ternopil National Pedagogical University Volodymyr Gnatyuk

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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