Indicators of competitive activity of highly qualified judokas of light weight categories at the competitions of the Grand Slam series, Grand Prix 2022




judo, highly qualified, judoists, weight categories, competitive activity, indicators


Purpose: to analyze the indicators of competitive activity of highly qualified judokas of light weight categories at the competitions of the Grand Slam, Grand Prix 2022 series. Material and methods. The following research methods were used during the work: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; timing; analysis of protocols and video recordings of fights of highly qualified judokas of weight categories up to 60 kg and up to 66 kg; methods of mathematical statistics. There were analyzed 57 fights of the final block of judoists of weight categories up to 60 kg (29 fights) and up to 66 kg (28 fights) at 8 competitions of the Grand Slam series and 2 series of Grand Prix 2022. The following indicators were recorded: the number of participants in the competition; the number of comments received by judokas; the number of disqualifications; the number of fights in extra time; the number of technical actions in the stance and on the ground. The percentage of the total number of comments and technical actions was calculated. Results: the analysis of the received remarks of highly qualified judokas of light weight categories shows that judokas of the weight category up to 60 kg received 55 remarks for all competitions, athletes up to 66 kg - 10 more (65 remarks), which shows their greater activity during the fight. For athletes under 60 kg, typical remarks for not fighting, avoiding the grip, false attack and going outside the working area. For judokas under 66 kg - for not fighting, prohibited grab, false attack and avoidance of grab. Also, athletes under 66 kg received remarks for interlacing fingers and blocking with one hand, unlike athletes under 60 kg. The analysis of the received disqualifications of judokas showed that in the weight category up to 60 kg 5 (17 %) fights ended in disqualification (4 - disqualifications for warnings; 1 for traumatic actions (head bending)). In the weight category up to 66 kg, 10 (36 %) fights ended in disqualification by reprimand. It was found that athletes of both weight categories perform approximately the same number of effective technical actions in the position of the rack, floor and lying down. The main effective technical actions that are most often used by athletes of each weight category separately in the rack, floor and lying position are revealed. Thus, in athletes of the weight category up to 60 kg, these were throws behind the back (46 %), grabs (13 %), throw over the head with a shin catch (13 %) and elbow lever (50 %). In judokas of weight category up to 66 kg these are throws over the back (18,5 %), varieties of front kicks (18,5 %) and elbow lever (100 %). Conclusions. It is established that during the fight athletes of light weight categories receive a fairly large number of comments related to reconnaissance wrestling during the fight. It was found that the fight of athletes of light weight categories mainly takes place in the stance. It is established that athletes in the weight category up to 66 kg are more technical and use more technical actions in competitions. But this applies only to the rack position. If we analyze the position of the floor, lying down, then athletes in the weight category up to 60 kg, on the contrary, have a greater arsenal of technical actions compared to the category up to 66 kg.

Author Biographies

N. Boychenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

V. Shandrigos, Ternopil National Pedagogical University Volodymyr Gnatyuk

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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