Jiu-jitsu as a mean of increasing the level of physical fitness of cadets of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine





jiu-jitsu, cadets of higher education institutions, physical fitness, means, abilities


Purpose: is efficiency research of the use of jiu-jitsu means to increase the level of physical fitness of cadets of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Material and methods. For comprehensive knowledge of the subject of research, implementation of the goal and objectives of the research, a set of methods has been used that mutually complemented each other: the study and analysis of methodical and special literature, curricula, educational programs; synthesis and generalization; comparison; comparison and analogy; pedagogical observation (using instrumental techniques); testing of physical fitness of cadets of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (100 m run; 1000 m run; complex strength exercise; shuttle run 10x10; long jump), pedagogical experiment; mathematical and statistical data processing. 125 cadets of Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine aged 18-20 years were involved in the research, from which experimental (65 people) and control groups (60 people) have been formed. The control group included wrestlers, who practiced according to the standard program. In the educational and training process of the experimental group, jiu-jitsu means have been implemented to increase the level of physical fitness of the cadets. Results: based on the results of the assessment at the ascertainment stage, it has been determined that most indicators of the physical fitness (100 m run, s – 14,40±0,12; 1000 m run, min/s – 3,92±0,05; complex strength exercise, times per minute – 51,50±1,25; shuttle running 10x10 m, s – 29,20±0,87; long jump, cm – 233,32±2,63) of the cadets were satisfactory, in accordance with the exercises and standards approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, and needed further improvement. After the implementation of the developed program with the use of jiu-jitsu means, during the formative stage of the pedagogical experiment, the cadets of the experimental group experienced a probable improvement in all indicators of general physical fitness, which confirms the positive impact of the developed program on improving the speed 100 m run, s – 13,52±0,11, р<0,001strength (complex strength exercise, times per minute – 59,74±1,04, p<0,001), speed-strength ( long jump, cm – 253,4±2,42, p<0,001), coordination abilities (shuttle run 10x10 m, s –27,05±0,47, p<0,001) of cadets and endurance (1000 m run, min s – 3,33±0,09, p<0,001). However, in the control group of the cadets, no significant changes have been noted in most indicators, with the exception of complex strength training (55,69±1,01 times per minute, р<0,01) and long jump (241,33±2,31 cm, р<0,05), which underwent significant changes. The comparison of the results of the physical fitness test between the experimental group and the control group at the end of the pedagogical experiment have revealed the presence of probable differences between the groups in all studied indicators. Conclusions. The author's program with the use of jiu-jitsu means to increase the level of physical fitness of the cadets of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine plays a positive role in training the fighting skills and adaptation of police officers, increases the effectiveness of teaching. The pedagogical experiment, which has been conducted to study changes in the physical fitness of the cadets under the influence of classes according to the developed program with the use of jiu-jitsu tools, ensures high work capacity, successful performance of functional duties and operational-administrative tasks.

Author Biographies

I. Hinzburh, Zaporizhzhia National University

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Theory and Methodsof Physical Culture and Sports

V. Tyshchenko, Zaporizhzhia National University

Doctor of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Professor, Professor at the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports


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