The importance of achievements at the U23 freestyle wrestling competition
freestyle wrestling, competition, result, under 23, careerAbstract
Purpose: to analyze the results of the performances of the winners of the U23 World Championship in freestyle wrestling and to establish their importance. Material and methods. The research used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet sources, analysis of competitive activity, methods of mathematical statistics. All sportsmen's performances after the performance at the U23 World Championship in freestyle wrestling were analyzed. The sports careers of all wrestlers who won at the competitions in 2017, 2018 and 2019 were analyzed. The total number of winners was 28 athletes. In order to determine the further achievements of the sports result, the performances at the continental, world championships and the Olympic Games were analyzed. The considered characteristics were separately analyzed for weight groups: light weight group (weight categories up to 69 kg), medium weight group (weight categories from 70 to 89 kg) and heavy weight group (more than 90 kg). Results: аmong all the winners, there are representatives of only three continents: Asia (32,1 %), Europe (53,6 %) and North America (14,3 %). More than half of the athletes of the light weight group (66,7 %) took part more than once in competitions among U23 representatives. It should be noted that all winners took part (100,0 %) in continental competitions and among them 88,9 % were successful (placed prizes). Also, the rate of participation in the world championships among adults is quite high – 88,9 %, but only 33,3 % succeeded in these competitions. Only one representative (11,1 %) of the light weight group took part in the Olympic Games and did not take a prize place. The analysis of middleweight wrestlers showed that the majority of athletes (72,7 %) competed at the U23 competition and all wrestlers were successful. At the same time, more than half (63,6 %) participated in continental championships and 45,5 % achieved success. Less than half of the athletes (45,5 %) took part in the world championships, but all of them took prize places. Only one wrestler of the middle weight group took part in the Olympic Games (9,1 %), but he could not take the prize place. Representatives of the heavy weight group continue to compete in competitions of all levels. Thus, 62,5 % of wrestlers took part in U23 competitions and 50,0 % of all athletes took prize places. The same number of representatives had achievements at the continental championships. At that time, the results of achievements at the world championships were higher, so 75,0 % of athletes took part in these competitions, and more than 80,0 % of the participants won prizes. In general, the analysis showed that competitions among athletes under the age of 23 have a certain influence on the further career of athletes. Conclusions. More than half of the athletes took part in U23 competitions, continental championships and world championships. The majority of athletes were successful at the U23 (89,4 %) and continental competitions (80,9 %), while the number of athletes who were able to take the medal places at the World Championships was lower at 68,3 %. Four athletes (14,3 %) took part in the Olympic Games and two of them (7,1 %) won prizes. In general, the analysis showed that competitions among athletes under the age of 23 have a certain influence on the further career of athletes.
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