Determination of the influence of the experimental program on the indicators of speed-strength training of young boxers aged 15-16




boxers, speed-strength qualities, annual macrocycle, training process, performance


Purpose: of the study is to develop and introduce into the training process of young boxers aged 15-16 years a program for the development of speed-strength qualities during the annual macrocycle.  Material and methods. The study involved boxers aged 15-16 years in the amount of 24 people, whose level of fitness was II and I sports category. The sportsmen were divided into control and experimental groups (12 sportsmen in each). The study used the determination of indicators of the absolute and relative strength of hits, as well as special explosive work of the muscles of the upper limbs (test 8 s, number of hits, total tonnage, work power, explosive endurance coefficient, creatine phosphate working capacity index, index explosive endurance), using chronodynamometry «SPUDERG-10». Results: to conduct the study, an experimental program was developed to develop the speed-strength qualities of young boxers aged 15-16 during the annual training. A feature of the construction of the experimental program is the distribution of means of speed-strength training in microcycles, which are used at the beginning and end of the training session. When introducing the experimental program, a change in the indicators of absolute and relative strength of young boxers aged 15-16 was established under the influence of classes under the Youth and Youth Sports School program (control group) and according to the experimental program. So, between the groups, a significant difference was obtained in favour of the experimental group in the absolute force manifested in the side kick (t=2,20; p<0,05). Along with this, in all the studied indicators, the boxers of the experimental group significantly (p<0,05-0,01) increased the results during the annual training.  Conclusions. The comparison of the generalized results of the indicators of special explosive work of the muscles of the upper limbs during the pedagogical experiment revealed that all the studied indicators improved in both groups, but more significant changes were obtained in boxers who carried out the training process according to the experimental program. Significantly better results in relation to the control group obtained in total tonnage (t=2,90; p<0,05), work power (t=2,56; p<0,05), explosive endurance coefficient (t=2,27; p<0,05) and creatine-phosphate performance index (t=2,29; p<0,05).

Author Biographies

Y. Shestak, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

graduate student

D. Okun, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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