Teaching martial arts students to run 1500 m using rhythmic stimulation


  • Andrii Yefremenko Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine
  • Svitlana Рiatysotska Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture, Ukraine




running, training, cadence, MAV, VO2max, pace, rhythm, martial arts, preparedness


Purpose: to investigate the effectiveness of teaching martial arts
students to run 1500 m using rhythmic stimuli. Material and methods. The following methods of
pedagogical research were used to solve the research tasks: theoretical (analysis, synthesis,
comparison, generalization of abstraction) and practical (observation, testing, experiment, mathematical and statistical). Martial arts students aged 18,5±0,5 years of the II year of full-time
education took part in the study (n=20). Results: іndicators indicating the economy of a runner's
movement were selected as characteristics that determine mastery of running technique: MAV –
maximum aerobic speed; VO2max is the maximum rate of oxygen absorption. We believe that in
conditions of limited time for running training (8 classes), the very increase in running efficiency
indicates the athlete's understanding of the essence of this motor action. As a stimulating factor in
the experimental running training program of martial arts students, running with a metronome was
used with a given frequency, which increased in each session from 157 beats/min. up to 165
beats/min. The students had to run first, synchronizing their steps with the metronome, and after
rest, reproduce the learned rhythm without external stimulation. The martial arts athletes of the
control group studied running according to the traditional program for the same amount of time.
The result of the study was significantly (p<0,05) higher indicators of running cadence and results
of running at the reference distance of 1500 m in the group of martial arts students who practiced
using rhythmic stimuli. At the same time, there were no significant differences in the MAV and
VO2max indicators in the wrestlers of both groups during the entire study period (p>0,05). This
indicates the effectiveness of running training in the experimental program, by improving running
efficiency, rather than increasing the level of endurance. Conclusions. It was established that 8
training sessions of long running for 120 min. per week do not contribute to the increase of MAV
and VO2max in martial arts students who studied both by traditional and experimental methods.
The effectiveness of the application of external rhythmic stimuli with the help of a metronome in
teaching martial arts students to athletics running, which is characterized by an increase in running
cadence, has been revealed. This indicates an improvement in the level of ownership of
transportation equipment while increasing its economy.

Author Biographies

Andrii Yefremenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Svitlana Рiatysotska, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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