Studies of morphometric indicators and finger index 2D:4D in the aspect of sexual dimorphism in representatives of karate




sexual dimorphism, finger index, karate, morphometric indicators


Purpose: to study the finger index, anthropometric and morphometric data in terms of sexual dimorphism in karatekas of both sexes 11-22 years. Material and methods. The study involved 106 boys and young men aged 11 to 22 years, as well as girls and girls aged 11 to 22 years (n=101). The length of the 2nd and 4th
fingers of both hands was measured from the inner edge of the basal crest at the base of the finger to the fingertip in both boys and karate girls (according to J.T. Manning). Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature; anthropometric and morphometric studies; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the use of the method of determining the finger index «2D:4D» is accessible and easy to use, and is actively used as one of the informative criteria for masculinization of the female body in sports. In the process of conducting karate studies, we found that the largest representation of female athletes with finger proportions by male type was in the group of girls over 16 years (70 %). In female karate athletes aged 12-15 years, the values of the finger index corresponding to the male type were found in 45 % of cases (0,98±0,07, coefficient of variation CV=4,82 %), which indicates an increase in the level testosterone. In the control group of non-athletes finger index 0,996±0,04, CV=3,92 %. According to the Rohrer (IR) index, the weight-growth values of karate: asthenic (thoracic) body type in 28 % of subjects, athletic (muscular) - in
38 % and digestive (picnic) - in 34 %. Conclusions. The study showed that according to the finger index, karate athletes aged 16-22 years are dominated by people with genetically determined masculinization. According to the indicators of sexual dimorphism in girls, moderate and mild signs of body structure of the opposite sex were found. Based on the results of the study, the available data on the peculiarities of physical and sexual development of karatekas of both sexes aged 11-22 were supplemented, which provides an opportunity to improve the quality of planning the training process of athletes.

Author Biographies

Volodimir Vilyanskiy, Dnipro Polytechnic

Associate Professor

Dmitry Batechko, Dneprovska Polytechnic

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports


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