Manifestation of indicators of special endurance of taekwondo players 12 14 years old




endurance, special endurance, load, development, WTF taekwondo, technique


Purpose: to investigate the dynamics of special endurance indicators under the influence of the proposed methodology. Material and methods. The research used the following research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature and the Internet, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. When performing the bandal chagi kick in the first test, the difference between the arithmetic means before and after the experiment was 4,74 hits, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 7,64 % in the experimental group. In the second test, the difference in arithmetic means was 3,54 strokes, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 3,19 % in the experimental group. In the third test, the difference in arithmetic averages was 10,66 strokes, the coefficient of variation decreased by 6,48 %. In the fourth test, the difference in arithmetic averages was 9,14 strokes, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 6,49 %. In the fifth test, the difference in arithmetic averages was 12,8 strokes, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 7,48 %. When performing a dolyo chagi kick in the first test, the difference in arithmetic averages was 8,46 strokes, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 8,48 %. In the second test, the difference in arithmetic averages was 9,67 strokes in the experimental group before and after the experiment, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 4,61 %. In the third test, the arithmetic mean increased by 9,86 strokes, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 4,82 %. In the fourth test, the difference in arithmetic averages was 10,34 strokes, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 6,01 %. In the fifth test, the arithmetic mean difference was 9,74 strokes in the experimental group after the experiment, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 6,55 %. When performing a nerio chagi kick in the first test, the difference between the arithmetic averages before and after the experiment was 8,53 strokes, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 5,12 %. In the second test, the difference in arithmetic averages was 8 strokes, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 7,21 %. In the third test, the difference in arithmetic means was 7,93 strokes, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 6,33 %. In the fourth test, the difference in arithmetic averages was 7,27 strokes, the coefficient of variation decreased by 4,88 %. In the fifth test, the difference in arithmetic averages was 8,6 strokes, and the coefficient of variation decreased by 5,18 %. Conclusions. The technique proposed by us has a positive effect on the development of special endurance of taekwondo players aged 1214. This is evidenced by the results obtained at the end of the experiment. Thus, taekwondo players of the experimental group have significantly higher indicators of the development of special endurance in all tests (p≤0,05).

Author Biography

О. Palii, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

4 year graduate student of the department of martial arts


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