Analysis of age and gender differences in the performance of judokas participating in the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020
Tokyo-2020 Olympic Games, judo women, judo men, age indicators, weight categoriesAbstract
Purpose: to analyze age and gender differences in the performance of judokas participating in the Tokyo-2020 Olympic Games. Material and Methods. The following methods were used in the research: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, analysis of competition protocols of the Olympic Games Tokyo-2020, linear regression analysis was used to represent the relative age as one of the indicators of measuring the success of elite judokas, Student's t-test. Results: the protocols of athletes' performances at the Tokyo-2020 Olympic Games (201 judo men and 192 judo women) in all weight categories were analyzed, based on the data from the official website of the International Judo Federation. The average age of the judokas participating in the Tokyo-2020 Olympic Games (192 athletes) is 29 years old, of which 113 judokas (59 %) are younger than the average age, the average age of judokas participating in the Tokyo-2020 Olympic Games (201 participants) is 27 years, of which 91 judokas (45 %) are under the average age, while 110 judokas (55 %) are over the average age. Comparing the samples for female and male judokas, we can see that among the female judokas who took part in the Tokyo-2020 Olympic Games, there were relatively more participants below average age, while among the male judokas there were more above average age. According to the results of the Tokyo-2020 Olympic Games, there were significant age differences in weight categories among female judokas. The most noticeable age indicators among the oldest and the youngest participants of the Olympic Games Tokyo-2020 were in the weight categories: the oldest 57 kg – 42 years, 52 kg – 40 years, 70 kg – 39 years; the youngest 63, 52, 48 kg – 20 years. The most noticeable age indicators among the oldest and youngest participants of the Olympic Games Tokyo-2020 were in the weight categories among judokas: the oldest 81 kg – 36 years old, +100 kg – 35 years old, 90,100 kg – 34 years old; the youngest 60, 90, +100 kg – 20 years old. Conclusions. The data show that both younger and older athletes can succeed in this sport. The age distribution of gold medalists can be influenced by a number of factors, including physical ability, experience, and the number of participants in each age group. Younger athletes tend to have an advantage in the early stages of competition, while older athletes rely on their experience and tactical ability to succeed. Athletes' weight classes also play a role in their performances, with athletes in higher weight classes tending to be older and more experienced.
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