Basic technical training of young freestyle wrestlers




freestyle wrestling, young wrestlers, initial training groups, basic technical training, coordination development


Purpose: to develop and experimentally substantiate the effectiveness of the methodology for
teaching the basic technique of free-style wrestling in combination with physical training. Material
and methods. The study involved 16 young athletes, 8-9 years old, a group of initial training, the
first year of training, who were engaged in the department of free-style wrestling KZ «KDYUSSH №4» in Kharkov. The boys were divided into two equal groups (experimental and control),
according to the results of testing the level of development of physical abilities (p>0,05). An
experimental methodology of basic technical training for young freestyle wrestlers of the initial
level of training was developed, which consisted not only of means and methods of teaching certain
elements of wrestling techniques, but also a large number of preparatory, special exercises, games
and game tasks, different in coordination complexity. It was on the basis of versatile coordination
training, which was solved mainly by the game method, that the experimental methodology of the
basic technical training of young athletes was built. Research methods: analysis of scientific and
methodological sources; generalization of the practical experience of practitioners; pedagogical
observations; pedagogical experiment; pedagogical testing; method of expert assessments; methods
of mathematical statistics. Results: the advantage of young wrestlers in the experimental group was
determined by almost all the studied indicators. A regularity was noticed, with an increase in the
complexity of the exercise, the difference in the quality of its fulfillment by young wrestlers from the
experimental and control groups increased. In special exercises, these are running to the
subdominant side (t=6,20; p˂0,001), and throwing off the legs from the passage (t=3,27; p˂0,01),
in the study of the quality of performing techniques in the stalls - a coup coasting (t=3,33; p˂0,01)
in the study of technical readiness in a standing position - an incline throw with a hold of the legs
(t=3,68; p˂0,01) knocking down with a hold of the legs (t=3,24; p˂0,01), as well as maneuvering
(t=3,37; p˂0,01). There was no significant difference in the quality of performance of technical
actions between the experimental and control groups, only in four of the sixteen studied indicators
(p>0,05). Conclusions. The effectiveness of the experimental methodology of basic technical
training of young wrestlers, used in the group of initial training, has been proved. According to
most of the studied indicators, the advantage of young wrestlers in the experimental group was
determined (p˂0,05-p˂0,001). The following tendency is observed, with an increase in the
coordination complexity of the studied technical actions or movements, the probability of
differences between the quality of this action fulfillment by young athletes of the experimental and
control groups increases, in favor of the former. Only in simpler, in terms of coordination structure,
movements, the advantages of the experimental group under study, confirmed by mathematical
calculations, were not revealed (p˂0,05).

Author Biographies

Gennady Ogar, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Senior lecturer of the Department of Martial Arts, Fencing and Endurance

Alexander Shevchenko, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

undergraduate of the Department of Martial Arts, Fencing and
Endurance Sports


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