Correlation analysis of the power indicators of the highest qualification armwrestlers of various weight categories
armwrestling, armsport, static strength, competitive exercises, indicatorsAbstract
Purpose: to determine the degree of interconnection between the power indicators of highly qualified armwrestlers of different weight categories. Material and methods. Research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological information, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, absolute pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 24 athletes in three weight categories (up to 80 kg, 80-100 kg and over 100 kg), 8 athletes each. Among the participants in the experiment were prize-winners and champions of Ukraine, Europe and the world, representatives of the Ukrainian national armwrestling team, including 3 athletes Honored Masters of Sports of Ukraine, 7 – international masters of sports of Ukraine, 9 – masters of sports of Ukraine and 5 foreign armwrestlers. Results: the analysis of correlations between strength indicators showed that in the group of armwrestlers weighing from 80 to 100 kg there is a large number of weak links, in particular, out of 28 indicators, 22 cases of a weak level (r˃0,5), 3 – of an average (r=0,5-0,7) and 3 – strong (r<0,7). In the weight group over 100 kg, there are 19 cases with a weak connection, 5 of an average level and 4 of a strong one. In athletes in the weight category up to 80 kg, the weak level was 13, the average – 10, and the strong – 5 cases. The analysis of correlations between the left and right hands in all four test exercises and in each test exercise in terms of relative strength indices made it possible to establish that athletes with high indicators of strength capabilities in this case (weight group 80-100 kg) have a large number of weak-level connections (21 cases) and a small amount of strong bond (3 cases). Arm athletes in the weight category up to 80 kg also had a rather increased number of weak ties (13 cases). Athletes in the over 100 kg weight group showed the worst relative strength indicators, resulting in a low number of weak ties (8 cases) and a large number of medium and strong ties (18+2). Conclusions. Comparative analysis of the correlations between the indices of both the absolute and the relative strength of the left and right hands in four test exercises at the end of the study showed that in highly qualified athletes the best strength indicators are accompanied by a small number of high-level connections (r<0,7) 12 and 11 cases, respectively, average (r=0,5-0,7) – 18 and 31 cases, respectively, and a large number of low-level connections (r˃0,5) – 54 and 42 cases, respectively. The results obtained indicate that armwrestlers with the worst strength indices achieve results due to the inclusion of a larger number of muscle groups in the performance of strength exercises, and, conversely, higher strength indices are achieved due to the fulfillment of strength exercises by a certain muscle group.
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