Changes in self-motivation of Ukrainian kickboxers aged 13-15 in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and martial law
kickboxing, motivation, self-motivation, competitive activity, coronavirus pandemic, martial lawAbstract
Purpose: to assess the level of self-motivation of Ukrainian kickboxers aged 13-15 in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and martial law. Material and methods. Theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, questionnaires, pedagogical research, methods of mathematical statistics. The theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature was carried out throughout the study. The next stage is the beginning of the pedagogical research, within which the control and experimental groups were selected. The selection of groups was realized on the basis of the results of an online survey conducted in May-June 2022 and covered 42 respondents (kickboxers aged 13-15 years old, qualified as 1st category and candidates for master of sports, representatives of the martial arts club «Athlete» (Kyiv), training program, age, qualifications of which correspond to the curriculum of sports schools in kickboxing). The survey was conducted online using a Google form according to the methodology of identifying the level of self-motivation of athletes to achieve high sports results. The questionnaire contained 14 statements. The reliability of the results and the determination of the homogeneity of the groups were carried out according to the Mann-Whitney criterion. Results: a thorough analysis of the scientific and methodological literature allowed us to state that the conditions in which sports in Ukraine found itself after the introduction of martial law prompted the search for new ways to overcome the motivational crisis among athletes in unfavorable social and social circumstances. The study showed that the level of self-motivation of skilled kickboxers was recorded mainly within the low and medium range. The results of the survey indicate that only 9,5 % of the surveyed kickboxers were able to maintain a high level of self-motivation in competitive activities. Despite the crisis conditions they are currently facing. Instead, 23,8 % of respondents are at a low level of self-motivation in competitive activity, which encourages an active search for ways to solve these problems. Conclusions. The analysis of special scientific and methodical literature revealed insufficient data and methodological developments aimed at increasing the level of self-motivation of kickboxers in preparation for competitions. Thus, the introduction of new scientific approaches to the formation of motivation and self-motivation for competitive activity in the training of kickboxers living under martial law is currently a very relevant area of research.
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