Dynamics of development of dexterity of judokas at a improving and sports stage under the influence of games with fitballs
dexterity, judo, sports and fitness stage, development, game, dynamics, fitballAbstract
Purpose: to study the dynamics of development of agility among judokas of 6-7 years under the influence of games with fitballs. Material and methods. The study involved 15 judokas at the age of 6-7 years, who were at the health-sports stage. The study was conducted on the basis of the SC «Meteor», Dnipro. To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources, pedagogical research, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: all classes at the sports and fitness stage were conducted according to the current curriculum in judo for the youth sports school. A feature of the training sessions was the additional use of games using fitballs aimed at developing dexterity. The games «Fitball Crabs», «Young Sumoists» and «Take the Ball» were offered. A pedagogical study was conducted during the 1st year. Comparison of the average indicators of the obtained results at the beginning and at the end of the pedagogical research showed a statistically significant difference in all tests (<0,05). So, in the test «Shuttle Run, 3x10 m» the result improved from 10,3 to 9,82 s., In the test «Throwing a tennis ball at the goal» from 2,31 to 3,22 accurate hits, in the test «Flamingo» from 22,10 to 24,85 s., In the test «Three somersaults forward» from 9,96 to 9.55 s. The best growth result is observed in the test «Throwing a tennis ball at the goal» (t=6,07; p<0,05) and «Flamingo» (t=4,19; p <0,05). Conclusions. A selection of games for fitball aimed at developing the agility of judoka 6-7 years old. The proposed games allow you to develop spatial orientation, coordination of movements, interaction with objects and other athletes during the games. Comparison of the average indicators of the obtained results at the beginning and at the end of the pedagogical research showed a statistically significant difference in all tests (<0,05). The best growth result is observed in the tests «Throwing a tennis ball at the goal» 39 % and «Flamingo» 13 %. In the tests «Shuttle Run, 3x10 m» the increase was 4,66 %, «Three somersaults forward» - 4,12 %. The obtained results of the dynamics of dexterity development confirm the effectiveness of the proposed games with fitballs for judokas of 6-7 years old, improve the indicators of the ability to orient in space and control movements by spatial-dynamic characteristics.
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