Psychological readiness of martial artists for competitions




psychological preparation, martial arts, competition, condition, questionnaire


Purpose: to determine the level of psychological readiness of martial artists for competitions and to provide methodological recommendations. Material and methods. The following research methods were used in the work: analysis of scientific and methodological literature and Internet sources, questionnaires, methods of mathematical statistics. Assessment of the level of psychological readiness of martial artists for competitions was carried out by filling out a questionnaire, which consisted of two parts. Each part of the questionnaire contains 4 questions with a rating from 1 to 5. Students of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 1-4 years, who are involved in martial arts, took part in the survey. Among the representatives were athletes engaged in wrestling, judo, boxing, karate, etc. The total number of respondents was 21 people. Results: during the research, the results of the athletes' assessment of their own level of psychological readiness for the competition were obtained. Athletes rated their confidence on average at 3.9 points; self-assessment before the start of the competition at the level of 4,3 points; Emotional stability at the level of 3,6 points; the ability to control emotions and readjust oneself during a match at the level of 3,9 points; confidence in performing technical and tactical actions in a certain interval of the match at the level of 3,2 points; the ability to mobilize forces at a critical moment of the match at the level of 3,5 points and the ability to focus and concentrate attention at a certain moment of the match at the level of 3,7 points. Conclusions. The general results of the survey indicate that athletes have a high level of emotional control, but are less confident in performing technical and tactical actions at various moments of the match. The results also indicate instability in solving tactical tasks during competition and relative readiness to respond to stressful situations. Based on the analysis of scientific and methodical literature, recommendations are provided, which include key areas of psychological preparation of martial artists for competitions. The importance of developing emotional stability and increasing confidence in performing technical and tactical actions is highlighted.

Author Biographies

О. Polianychko, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Phd (Psychological sciences), Associate Professor

О. Lakhtadyr, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Phd (Psychological sciences), Associate Professor

B. Korolov, Kyiv National Economic University

Senior lecturer

О. Liashenko, Kyiv National Economic University

senior lecturer


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