Criteria for assessing technical actions of the horting party in the competition section «Duel»
horting, scores, «Duel», judges, greyhound, blows, throws, painful tricks, suffocating tricks, technical actions, expert groupAbstract
Purpose: to analyze the criteria for evaluating technical actions of hortinistas in the competitive section «Duel» in Horting. Material and methods: the competitive activity of adult athletes in the national form of martial arts - Horting and his assessment by the judicial teams was studied. An analysis of scientific, methodological and regulatory literature, pedagogical observations, methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison, a method of expert assessments, methods of mathematical statistics were used. Results. Analysis of the activities of the Kharkiv Regional Federation of Horting allowed to establish that the popularity of Horting is increasing every year, the number of athletes, their qualification level is growing. Criteria for evaluating technical actions and an algorithm for forming judicial judgments are considered. Obtained data on the effectiveness of the existing approach to the assessment of technical actions and the objectivity of judicial assessments. The experts evaluated the technical actions of the athletes, their evaluations were recorded, processed by the methods of mathematical statistics and discussed in the expert environment. So, 134 matches were investigated: 72 in the championship and 52 in the Cup of the Kharkiv Regional Federation. It was established that the scores of punches in fights by the judicial teams in 82 % coincided with the estimates of the expert group. The scores of kicks in duels by judicial teams in 94 % coincided with the estimates of the expert group. Evaluation of wrestling techniques in fights by the judicial teams in 88% coincided with the estimates of the expert group. Conclusions: the existing system of refereeing in Horting as a whole meets the requirements of modern sports for determining the winners of competitions. It is established that the existing system of refereeing in Horting as a whole meets the requirements of modern sports for determining the winners of competitions. The system of evaluation of technical actions in Horting with high performance allows to neutralize the subjective factors of judicial activity.
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