Models of indicators of competitive activity of female sambo wrestlers up to 50 kg, 54 kg, 59 kg
competitive activity, sambo, sambo wrestlers, weight categories, indicators, modeling, modelsAbstract
Purpose: to develop models of indicators of competitive activity of sambo wrestlers of weight categories up to 50 kg, 54 kg, 59 kg. Material and methods. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, analysis of protocols and video recordings of competitive activity, methods of mathematical statistics. The fights of sambo wrestlers of weight categories up to 50 kg (17 fights), 54 kg (15 fights), 59 kg (21 fights) during the World Championships 2023 (Yerevan, Armenia) were analyzed. Results: the vast majority of fights in the weight category up to 50 kg, 54 kg, ended within the allotted time rather than ahead of schedule. In the weight category up to 59 kg, on the contrary, there is an increase in the number of fights that ended early in terms of points. The analysis of the number of remarks revealed that most of them are given to sambo wrestlers for passive fighting, for leaving the working area and for a prohibited grab. It was established that athletes of weight category up to 50 kg performed 108 technical actions of them: 106 in the stance, 2 in the floor position and lying down. Most often sambo wrestlers in a fight performed a throw behind the back from the knees (47 % of the total number of technical actions in a stand), a pass in the legs (12 %), with the stop of the foot in the stomach (7,5 %), a front foot (7,5 %), a catch of the 1st leg (7 %). In the prone position, two types of holdings were used: from the side – 50 % and from the top – 43 %, which had 100 % efficiency. Female athletes in the weight category up to 54 kg performed 107 technical actions: 77 in the stance, 30 in the floor position and lying down. Most often, sambo wrestlers in a fight performed a throw over the back from the knees (31 %), a catch of the 1st leg (10 %), a throw «Mill» (9 %), a throw over the back (6 %). In the prone position, the most commonly used techniques were: elbow lever – 47 %, knee lever – 33 %, overhead hold – 10 %, but the side hold (100 %) and overhead hold (67 %) were more effective. Female athletes in the weight category up to 59 kg performed 176 technical actions: 155 in the stance, 21 in the floor and lying down. Most often, in a fight, sambo wrestlers performed a throw from behind from the knees (29 %), a hook from the inside under a different leg (13,5 %), and a pass to the legs (8 %). In the position of a parterre, lying down most often sportswomen used: a lever of an elbow – 53 %, a lever of a knee – 19 %, a hold from above – 19 %, but the hold across (100 %) and a hold from above (75 %) turned out to be more effective. Conclusions. Summarizing the general data for all weight categories, we can conclude that sambo wrestlers mainly compete in a stance with the use of a throw behind the back from the knees, a passage to the legs. Female athletes use effective combination technique and counterattacks both in the standing and lying position. It was found that the hooks are mainly used as a preparatory action, the throw with the emphasis of the shin in the thigh mainly in the counter attack of athletes, the throw under one leg as a counterattack. In the position of the floor, lying down athletes use inverts, levers, holdings, but the most effective are holdings, as they are used at the moment of the opponent's mistake.References
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