Research of psychological peculiarities of self-regulating judoists at the initial stage of preparation



self-regulation, individual style of self-regulation, psychotraining, judoists


Purpose: Abstract. Aim: to study the features of the individual style of self-regulating judo at the initial stage of preparation. Material and methods. Psychodiagnostics of children involved in judo trials was conducted on the basis of sports facilities of the Ivano-Frankivsk region. In total, 270 young athletes (boys) aged 10-12 years participated in the study. Theoretical and practical methods were used in the work: the analysis of scientific and methodological sources, observation, testing (questionnaire VI Morosanova and YM Konoz «The style of self-regulation behavior - 98», a surveyor RI Naidiffer «The style of attention and interpersonal communication»); author's psychotraining program aimed at increasing the self-regulation of judo at the initial stage of training; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: Specifics of judo self-regulation are manifested primarily as an athlete plans and programs achievement of the goal, takes into account the external and internal conditions for the implementation of these plans and programs, assesses and adjusts their actions. With the help of the questionnaire «The style of self-regulation behavior - 98» it was established that out of 270 monotors 69,63 % have a low level of formation of the autoregulatory system. The diagnosis of judo by the questionnaire «The style of attention and interpersonal communication» (adapted by Yu.L.Khanin) contributed to establishing a direct correlation between the level of self-regulation of single-member and narrow-minded types of attention (r=0,78, p<0,01). Most athletes with a high degree of self-regulation tend to focus on solving important tasks. The profile of the attention of respondents with low level of autoregulation is externally overloaded. They are unable to solve problems with the use of an arsenal of technical and tactical means. Make mistakes because they think at the same time about several tasks. Do not focus on assessing the situations of training and competitive processes. The study involved a molding experiment using psychological training. After all, it is now that he is one of the most popular forms of group flooding. Conclusions. The obtained results showed that in judoists of the control and experimental groups, the individual style of self-regulation is significantly different after the psycho-training session. Therefore, this allows us to speak about the effectiveness of the use of various psycho-regulation in the system of training athletes already at the initial stage of sports activities.

Author Biography

Serhii Kuryliuk, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor


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