Features of functional abilities of taekwondo sportsmen



adaptation, endurance, load, technique, development, taekwondo оf sportsmen


Purpose: To investigate the response of the body of the taekwondo 12-14 years of exercise. Material and methods: Studies were conducted in the city. Izyum, Kharkiv region., On the basis of Izyum Youth Sports School V. V. Tkachenko. The study involved cadets, 15 people aged 12–14 years, engaged in groups of pre-basic training at the taekwondo branch of the WTF. The study used the following research methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation, generalization of the practical experience of leading trainers, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The analysis of the obtained indicators showed that the organism of athletes of the experimental group after the pedagogical experiment responds to the measured physical load by increasing the heart rate by 66,7 %, in the control one – 77,3 %, whereas before the beginning of the experiment: in the experimental one - 60%; control – 74,7 %. The reaction of arterial pressure to physical load in the experimental and control groups is characterized by an increase in AS (from 101,7 to 120,7 in the experimental and from 102,0 to 119,3 mm. hg. Art. In the control) and a decrease in blood pressure (from 64,7 to 64,33 in the experimental and from 63,7 to 62,33 mm Hg in the control). Conclusions. 1. The results of the arithmetic mean indices in the experimental group changed as follows: the pulse at rest changed from 13.87 to 12.73; in the control group from 13,93 to 13; Under the influence of physical exertion in the experimental group of taekwondo players, more slowing of the heart rate has been revealed, which is associated with increased parasympathetic influences on the automatism of the heart, reflecting the processes of economization of the heart activity. 2. The average blood pressure of the AU at rest changed from 103,3 to 101,7; BP alone has changed from 66 to 64,7. The results of the indicators in the control group - AS at rest changed from 101,3 to 102; BP alone has changed from 64 to 63,7. This gives grounds to assert about the increase in the degree of adaptation and the processes of economization of the body of the taekwondo players under the influence of the method proposed by us for improving endurance.

Author Biographies

Igor Pashkov, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport)

Olga Paliy, Youth Sports School V. V. Tkachenko



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