Evaluation and analysis of the level of special endurance and functionality of athletes involved in arm wrestling



arm wrestling, athlete, arm wrestler, physical qualities, martial arts, special endurance, endurance, functionality, testing, computer program, cardiovascular system


This article reflects the results of the assessment of the level of special endurance and functionality of athletes involved in arm wrestling using a specialized computer program. Purpose: Testing of rapid methods for assessing and analyzing the level of preparedness of athletes. Materials and methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical testing to determine the level of special endurance among athletes who are engaged in arm wrestling. Pedagogical testing of physical qualities and functional abilities was carried out on athletes 18-20 years old (n=10). 10 % of them are masters of sports of Ukraine, 20 % are candidates for masters of sports of Ukraine, 70 % are sportsmen of the 1st category. To determine the indicators of the level of development of special endurance and functionality, a special computer program «Training Loads», developed at the Department of martial arts of KHAFK and used for tablet computers running iOS, was used. Results: in the course of the study, results were obtained that allow us to conclude that, focusing on the heart rate, it is possible to determine the optimal mode of operation and the optimal pace for performing competitive exercises. Conclusions: as a result of a theoretical analysis of the scientific and methodological literature, it turned out that the development of strength and strength endurance is one of the most important tasks in arm sports, with strength endurance being assigned the leading role. In the course of pedagogical testing, it was determined that the use of express methods for assessing the level of fitness of athletes can reduce the time spent on the testing procedure and analysis of results. In addition, research has shown that weights can be successfully used to control physical fitness and the functional state of arm wrester sportsmen during the training process.

Author Biography

Valeriy Goloha, Kharkov State Academy of Physical Culture

senior lecturer of the department of martial arts


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