Features and effectiveness of counterattacking actions in martial arts



competitive activity, counterattacking actions, efficiency, factors, level of preparedness


Purpose: to reveal the features and to justify the effectiveness of counterattacking actions in martial arts. Material and methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observations; analysis of competitive activities of qualified hand-to-hand fighting athletes (n=46); synthesis of results; mathematical processing of statistical and experimental data. Results: the main factors affecting the performance of competitive activities were highlighting. This are determining the level of preparedness of a specific athlete: a special physical, technical, tactical, theoretical, and his level of psychological stability and reliability. The features of the performance of counterattacking actions were reflected, and the effectiveness of their use was substantiated. The effectiveness of a series of punches is 72,1%. The effectiveness of combinations consisting of punches and kicks, cuttings and punches and / or kicks, as well as from strikes with the transition to the fight (making throws) is 78,9%. The efficiency ratio of the counterattacking action is 0,61. Of these: punches – 0,68, kicks – 0,43, combinations consisting of punches, kicks and throws – 0,55. Conclusions: The effectiveness of counterattacking actions have to be view through the prism of the athlete’s integrated level of preparedness. The effectiveness of attacking, defensive and counterattacking actions depends largely on the biomechanical structure of the movements, anthropometric data and other individual characteristics of athletes. During the execution of their own attacks, athletes are not always ready for counterattacking actions from opponents, often neglecting defense and, thus, enable them to carry out effective counterparts (counter blows and throws).

Author Biography

Viktor Muntian, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

PhD (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor


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